

我正在使用一个框架,该框架使用字段supplier(它是抽象接口Supplier<T>)执行类Config的Java Jackson序列化.下面的接口是在框架中定义的,因此我无法更改/添加注释.

I'm working with a framework that performs Java Jackson serialization of class Config with a field supplier that is an abstract interface Supplier<T>. The interfaces below are defined in the framework so I cannot change/add the annotations.

public interface Supplier<T> {
    T get();

public interface Calculator {

public class Config extends Serializable {
  private Supplier<Calculator> supplier;


class MySupplier implements Supplier {
   @Override Calculator get() { return ...; }


When I serialize an instance of Config into JSON the supplier field is serialized without class information. From what I understand this is because the field declaration is abstract. As a result during deserialization Jackson doesn't know how to instantiate supplier field.

"config" : {
 "supplier" : { }


How can I force my implementation of the Supplier interface to add class name information into generated JSON to allow proper deserialization? I don't have access to the code that performs serialization and deserialization, I can only manipulate my implementation of Supplier.



Jackson allows to configure third party classes using feature called MixIn. For more information read:

  1. Jackson Mixin进行救援
  2. 杰克逊混入注释
  1. Jackson Mixin to the Rescue
  2. Jackson Mix-In Annotations


You need to specify two new interface which will allow you to add annotations for other classes:

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME)
@JsonSubTypes({@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = MySupplier.class, name = "MySupplier")})
interface SupplierAnnotations {

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME)
        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = MyCalculator.class, name = "MyCalculator"),
        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = HisCalculator.class, name = "HisCalculator") }
interface CalculatorAnnotations {


Now, you have to inform ObjectMapper about your new classes. You can do that in this way:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.addMixIn(Calculator.class, CalculatorAnnotations.class);
mapper.addMixIn(Supplier.class, SupplierAnnotations.class);


Everything you need to do is to list sub types for Suplier and Calculator interfaces.


05-27 04:16