我正在尝试创建一个动态 WHERE 子句,根据从下拉菜单中选择的选项,它将编译正确的 WHERE 子句.但我认为我做得不对.
I am trying to create a dynamic WHERE clause where depending on which options are chosen from the drop down menus, it will compile the correct WHERE clause. But I do not think I am doing it correctly.
首先应该有一个默认的 WHERE 子句,无论从下拉菜单中选择哪个选项,都应该有一个 WHERE 子句检查所选的 SessionId
所以这应该是 SessionId= ?
First of all there should be a default WHERE clause, no matter which option is selected from the drop down menus there should be a WHERE clause checking for selected SessionId
so this should be SessionId = ?
然后根据从下拉菜单中选择的选项,它将编译 WHERE 子句中的其他字段.有两个下拉菜单分别用于Students
Then depending on the options chosen from the drop down menus it will compile the other fields in the WHERE clause. There are two drop down menus which are for Students
and Questions
. The possible outcomes are:
Student selected !='All'
: 添加 StudentId
= ?在 WHERE 子句中Student selected == 'All'
: 删除 StudentId
= ?从 WHERE 子句Question selected != 'All'
: 添加 QuestionId
= ?在 WHERE 子句中Question selected == 'All'
: 删除 QuestionId
= ?来自 WHERE 子句
Student selected != 'All'
: Add StudentId
= ? in WHERE clauseStudent selected == 'All'
: Remove StudentId
= ? from WHERE clauseQuestion selected != 'All'
: Add QuestionId
= ? in WHERE clauseQuestion selected == 'All'
: Remove QuestionId
= ? from WHERE clause
if(isset($_POST['answerSubmit'])) // we have subbmited the third form
$selectedstudentanswerqry = "
StudentAlias, StudentForename, StudentSurname, q.SessionId, QuestionNo, QuestionContent, o.OptionType, q.NoofAnswers, GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT Answer
ORDER BY Answer SEPARATOR ',' ) AS Answer, r.ReplyType, QuestionMarks,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT StudentAnswer ORDER BY StudentAnswer SEPARATOR ',') AS StudentAnswer, ResponseTime, MouseClick, StudentMark
FROM Student s
INNER JOIN Student_Answer sa ON (s.StudentId = sa.StudentId)
INNER JOIN Student_Response sr ON (sa.StudentId = sr.StudentId)
INNER JOIN Question q ON (sa.QuestionId = q.QuestionId)
INNER JOIN Answer an ON q.QuestionId = an.QuestionId
LEFT JOIN Reply r ON q.ReplyId = r.ReplyId
LEFT JOIN Option_Table o ON q.OptionId = o.OptionId
if ($_POST['student'] != 'All'){
$selectedstudentanswerqry .= "
WHERE (SessionId = ? AND StudentId = ?)
if ($_POST['question'] != 'All'){
$selectedstudentanswerqry .= "
WHERE (SessionId = ? AND QuestionId = ?)
$selectedstudentanswerqry .= "
GROUP BY sa.StudentId, q.QuestionId
ORDER BY StudentAlias, q.SessionId, QuestionNo
global $mysqli;
if ($_POST['student'] != 'All'){
// You only need to call bind_param once
if ($_POST['question'] != 'All'){
// You only need to call bind_param once
// get result and assign variables (prefix with db)
$selectedstudentanswernum = $selectedstudentanswerstmt->num_rows();
尝试构建 where 数组
Try to build where array
$where = array();
if ((int) $studentID >0) {
$where[] = " studentID = '{$studentID}' ";
if ((int) $QuestionId >0) {
$where[] = " QuestionId = '{$QuestionId }' ";
最后用 AND 语句将 $where 内爆
and at end implode $where by AND statment
if (!empty($where))
$query['where'] = ' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $where);
It's only a way. I did not debug this code.
这篇关于如何创建动态 WHERE 子句的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!