

在Apache中,您可以使用 mod_jk模块通过 AJP协议向Tomcat发送HTTP请求,该协议比HTTP本身效率更高。

From Apache, you can use the "mod_jk" module to send HTTP requests to Tomcat using the "AJP" protocol, which is far more efficient that HTTP itself.

我想通过Java程序执行相同的操作。我想使用 AJP,因为它具有良好的性能(而Tomcat毕竟还不错)。

I want to do the same, but from a Java program. I want to use "AJP" because of its good performances (and Tomcat is not bad after all).

有人知道的客户端的Java实现吗? AJP?

Does someone know about a Java implementation of the client side of "AJP" ?


有开源Apache (如果有人需要)可用:

There's open source Apache ajp-client available if someone needs it:


06-28 05:36