本文介绍了Tyrus WebSockets (Java) - 如何设置客户端本地 IP 地址的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有没有办法在使用 WebSockets (Tyrus) 时指定本地 ip 地址和端口?

Is there a way to specify the local ip-address and port when using WebSockets (Tyrus)?

我正在寻找与 套接字


我发现低级 Grizzly TCPNIOTransport 确实有一个 connect() 方法与本地地址,但我不知道如何制作 Tyrus Client 使用它.

I have found that the low level Grizzly TCPNIOTransport does have a connect() method with local-address, but I don't know how to make a Tyrus Client use it.


GrizzlyClientSocket 从不使用本地地址参数调用传输 connect() 方法.

The GrizzlyClientSocket never calls the transport connect() method with the local-address parameters.

您需要向 Tyrus 项目提出功能请求,或者编写您自己的 GrizzlyClientSocket 实现,您需要从您自己的 GrizzlyClientContainer 实现中调用该实现

You'll need to ask a feature request from Tyrus project, or write your own implementation of GrizzlyClientSocket, which you'll need to call from your own implementation of a GrizzlyClientContainer

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05-18 20:45