我正在尝试构建MonoDevelop 2.4加载项,但我需要具有以下名称空间的dll:MonoDevelop.Projects.Gui.有谁知道此命名空间存储在哪个dll中?有人告诉我名称空间在MonoDevelop.Ide.dll中,但是当我将dll添加到MonoDevelop项目中时,名称空间无法解析.
I am trying to build a MonoDevelop 2.4 add-in but I need the dll with the namespace of: MonoDevelop.Projects.Gui. Does anyone know what dll this namespace is stored in? I was told that the namespace was in MonoDevelop.Ide.dll but when I added the dll to the MonoDevelop project the namespace did not resolve.
此名称空间在MonoDevelop 2.4中已不存在.那里的类已移至MonoDevelop.Ide.*名称空间.您可以尝试查看MonoDevelop.Ide,MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui,MonoDevelop.Ide.Projects或MonoDevelop.Ide.Projects.OptionPanels.
This namespace doesn't exist anymore in MonoDevelop 2.4. The classes that were there have been moved to MonoDevelop.Ide.* namespaces. You can try looking in MonoDevelop.Ide, MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui, MonoDevelop.Ide.Projects or MonoDevelop.Ide.Projects.OptionPanels.
这篇关于MonoDevelop 2.4:帮助查找dll的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!