


I use the word widget as a partial view that have its own controller (so its own actions) and it is placed in almost all pages. I implement the rendering of this via HMVC, that is just great.


Now, the problem is that the widget itself execute actions. Think about a shopping cart widget. That widget is placed in all pages so the user can see his/her stuff all along. And the widget have actions that are related to it, for instance: RemoveItem, RefreshCart, ApplyDiscountCoupon, etc. Such actions should trigger by a button or link and the link should be something like (in HMVC):

<a href='<?site_url()?>/cart/cart/removeitem/the_item_id'>Remove this item</a>


Ok. Now the user clicks that link, the cart module and cart controller are loaded and the action is executed, the action should look something like:

function removeitem($itemid)
     // remove the item from db

     // "load the view"  ???

正如你可以看到的,我的问题是如何加载视图在HMVC模块。事情是,如果我只加载购物车视图,它将只显示我的车,我不能只是重定向或加载主页面,因为它可以是任何主页面,即:购物车可以在任何主页面(选择产品,继续购买,查看产品详情,结算信息,结帐等)。 :/

As you can see, my question is how to load the view in a HMVC module. The thing is that if I only load the cart view, it will only show my cart, and I can’t just redirect or load the main page because it can be any main page, that is: the cart could be in any main page (select product, keep buying, see product details, billing info, checkout, etc). :/


Another thing: a requirement is that I can’t use AJAX in this project.


Do you know how HMVC handle this?




Ok. No luck with the community. Nevertheless I found a workaround. Hope would be helpful to someone.


HMVC doesn't have a natural solution to this. So I decided to use this workaround:

  1. 在每个主控制器(即没有窗口小部件,此会话中的当前网址(/ controllers / keep_buying.php)

  1. Into each main controller (that is, no widget, no partial view) I grab the current url in session this way (/controllers/keep_buying.php):

class Keep_buying extends Controller
    function Keep_buying()
        $this->session->set_userdata('main_uri', uri_string());

  • 在我的部分视图窗口小部件(HMVC模块视图)我有一个正常的链接到我的窗口小部件控制器(/ modules / cart / views / cart_show.php):

  • Then in my partial view widget (HMVC module view) I have a normal link to my widget controller (/modules/cart/views/cart_show.php):

    <a class="button" href="cart/cart/additem">Add Item</a>

  • 在控制器动作(HMVC模块控制器操作),我检索当前主页,然后重定向到该页面,隐式将进入我的窗口小部件流(由于HMVC)。

  • At the controller action (HMVC module controller action) I retrieve the current main page, do stuff and then redirect to that page, that implicitly will get into my widget flow (due to HMVC).

    class Cart extends Controller
        function additem()
            $to_redirect = $this->session->userdata('main_uri');
            // add-item work stuff...

  • 那就是。这不是理想的方法IMHO,但工作。

    That is. Is not the ideal approach IMHO, but works.


    08-24 18:20