问题在于当前格式的文件无法使我们执行任何查询,例如有多少配置文件具有"SWIFT FIN USER MT:+ 1%".
Dear all
I have this report generated from one of our servers. Basically, the file consists of a number of "profiles" each profile is having a number of applications, each application has a number of functions and some functions have permissions.
The problem is that the file in its present format does not enable us to do any queries, like how many profiles have "SWIFT FIN USER MT:+1%".
The following is a sample of the file containing a number of profiles.
<pre lang="css">Profile = EG_OPER_MT12479
Application = Access Control
Application = Correspondent Info
Application = Mesg Creation
Application = Mesg Modification
Application = Message File
Application = Access Control
Function = Signon
Permissions =
Start time:0001
End time:2357
Start time:2358
End time:2359
Application = Correspondent Info
Function = Open/Print Alias
Function = Open/Print Corr Dets
Function = Open/Print Country
Function = Open/Print Currency
Application = Mesg Creation
Function = Add/Mod/Rem Template
Function = Create Message
Permissions =
List of Own-Destination:+NSGBEGCX
Can create broadcasting:N
Swift FIN User MT:+1%
Swift FIN System MT:+
Swift APC System MT:+
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for FIN System mesg.:N
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for APC System mesg.:N
FIN-Copy Allowed.:Y
Create free format text Telex msg:N
Create free format financial Telex msg:N
Function = Route Message
Application = Mesg Modification
Function = Complete Message
Function = Modify Message
Permissions =
Own destination:+NSGBEGCX
Mod. in Text_modification:Y
Mod. in Emission_security:N
Mod. in Transmission_modif:N
Mod. in modif_after_recept:N
Mod. in Reception_security:N
Swift FIN User MT:+1%
Swift FIN System MT:+
Swift APC System MT:+
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for FIN System mesg.:N
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for APC System mesg.:N
FIN-Copy Allowed.:Y
Function = Route Message
Application = Message File
Function = Complete Instance
Function = Search
Permissions =
Completely hide messages of other units:Y
Profile = EG_OPER_MT1249
Application = Access Control
Application = Correspondent Info
Application = Mesg Creation
Application = Mesg Modification
Application = Message File
Application = Access Control
Function = Signon
Permissions =
Start time:0001
End time:2357
Start time:2358
End time:2359
Application = Correspondent Info
Function = Open/Print Alias
Function = Open/Print Corr Dets
Function = Open/Print Country
Function = Open/Print Currency
Application = Mesg Creation
Function = Add/Mod/Rem Template
Function = Create Message
Permissions =
List of Own-Destination:+NSGBEGCX
Can create broadcasting:N
Swift FIN User MT:+1%
Swift FIN System MT:+
Swift APC System MT:+
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for FIN System mesg.:N
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for APC System mesg.:N
FIN-Copy Allowed.:Y
Create free format text Telex msg:N
Create free format financial Telex msg:N
Function = Route Message
Application = Mesg Modification
Function = Complete Message
Function = Modify Message
Permissions =
Own destination:+NSGBEGCX
Mod. in Text_modification:Y
Mod. in Emission_security:N
Mod. in Transmission_modif:N
Mod. in modif_after_recept:N
Mod. in Reception_security:N
Swift FIN User MT:+1%
Swift FIN System MT:+
Swift APC System MT:+
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for FIN System mesg.:N
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for APC System mesg.:N
FIN-Copy Allowed.:Y
Function = Route Message
Application = Message File
Function = Complete Instance
Function = Search
Permissions =
Completely hide messages of other units:Y
Profile = EG_OPER_MT125
Application = Access Control
Application = Correspondent Info
Application = Mesg Creation
Application = Mesg Modification
Application = Message File
Application = Access Control
Function = Signon
Permissions =
Start time:0001
End time:2357
Start time:2358
End time:2359
Application = Correspondent Info
Function = Open/Print Alias
Function = Open/Print Corr Dets
Function = Open/Print Country
Function = Open/Print Currency
Application = Mesg Creation
Function = Add/Mod/Rem Template
Function = Create Message
Permissions =
List of Own-Destination:+NSGBEGCX
Can create broadcasting:N
Swift FIN User MT:+198
Swift FIN System MT:+
Swift APC System MT:+
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for FIN System mesg.:N
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for APC System mesg.:N
FIN-Copy Allowed.:Y
Create free format text Telex msg:N
Create free format financial Telex msg:N
Function = Route Message
Application = Mesg Modification
Function = Complete Message
Function = Modify Message
Permissions =
Own destination:+NSGBEGCX
Mod. in Text_modification:Y
Mod. in Emission_security:N
Mod. in Transmission_modif:N
Mod. in modif_after_recept:N
Mod. in Reception_security:N
Swift FIN User MT:+198
Swift FIN System MT:+
Swift APC System MT:+
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for FIN System mesg.:N
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for APC System mesg.:N
FIN-Copy Allowed.:Y
Function = Route Message
Application = Message File
Function = Complete Instance
Function = Search
Permissions =
Completely hide messages of other units:Y
Profile = EG_OPER_MT1279
Application = Access Control
Application = Correspondent Info
Application = Mesg Creation
Application = Mesg Modification
Application = Message File
Application = Access Control
Function = Signon
Permissions =
Start time:0001
End time:2357
Start time:2358
End time:2359
Application = Correspondent Info
Function = Open/Print Alias
Function = Open/Print Corr Dets
Function = Open/Print Country
Function = Open/Print Currency
Application = Mesg Creation
Function = Add/Mod/Rem Template
Function = Create Message
Permissions =
List of Own-Destination:+NSGBEGCX
Can create broadcasting:N
Swift FIN User MT:+1%
Swift FIN System MT:+
Swift APC System MT:+
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for FIN System mesg.:N
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for APC System mesg.:N
FIN-Copy Allowed.:Y
Create free format text Telex msg:N
Create free format financial Telex msg:N
Function = Route Message
Application = Mesg Modification
Function = Complete Message
Function = Modify Message
Permissions =
Own destination:+NSGBEGCX
Mod. in Text_modification:Y
Mod. in Emission_security:N
Mod. in Transmission_modif:N
Mod. in modif_after_recept:N
Mod. in Reception_security:N
Swift FIN User MT:+1%
Swift FIN System MT:+
Swift APC System MT:+
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for FIN System mesg.:N
Multiple Retrieval Allowed
for APC System mesg.:N
FIN-Copy Allowed.:Y
Function = Route Message
Application = Message File
Function = Complete Instance
Function = Search
Permissions =
Completely hide messages of other units:Y
I thought of converting it to an XML file, i also thought of running regular expressions on it with C# and storing the results in a database but i failed in both.
What do you think is the most efficient way to do the task at hand ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the reply. The problem (whether using the XML approach or the RegEx approach) is that i want to parse the document on the fly. I need a way to read the document and store the different parts in fields so that they can be queried.
public class Profile{
List<Application> apps = new List<Application>;
//a list of Function for application. In the function class
//put an Application field to make the link wich func belongs
//to wich app.
//and finally permison(s)
So the xml would be something like this:
来获取数据. Ex以获取给定应用程序的所有功能:
So you could use XLINQ
to get the datas. Ex to get all the functions of a given Application:
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("YourFileName");
var myAppFunction = xdoc.Elements("Profiles").Elements("Profile").
You said that it failed. How? Why? What?