我熟悉 2 个字符串的 LCS 算法.寻找在 2..N 字符串中查找公共子字符串的建议.每对中可能有多个公共子串.字符串的子集中可以有不同的公共子字符串.
I'm familiar with LCS algorithms for 2 strings. Looking for suggestions for finding common substrings in 2..N strings. There may be multiple common substrings in each pair. There can be different common substrings in subsets of the strings.
1/2 (DEF)
1/3 (ABCDEF)
1/4 (IJKL)
1/5 (FGH)
2/3 (DEF)
1/3 (ABCDEF)
1/2/3 (DEF)
这种事情在 DNA 序列分析中一直存在.您可以为它找到各种算法.此处列出了一个合理的集合.
This sort of thing is done all the time in DNA sequence analysis. You can find a variety of algorithms for it. One reasonable collection is listed here.
还有为每个子串制作表格的蛮力方法(如果你只对短的感兴趣):形成一个 N-ary 树(字母 N=26,字母 256ASCII),并在每个节点存储计数的直方图.如果您删除很少使用的节点(以保持合理的内存需求),您最终会得到一个算法,该算法可以在 N*M^2*log(M) 时间中找到长度不超过 M 的所有子序列以输入长度N. 如果您改为将其拆分为 K 个单独的字符串,您可以构建树结构,只需通过树一次即可读出答案.
There's also the brute-force approach of making tables of every substring (if you're interested only in short ones): form an N-ary tree (N=26 for letters, 256 for ASCII) at each level, and store histograms of the count at every node. If you prune off little-used nodes (to keep the memory requirements reasonable), you end up with an algorithm that finds all subsequences of length up to M in something like N*M^2*log(M) time for input of length N. If you instead split this up into K separate strings, you can build the tree structure and just read off the answer(s) in a single pass through the tree.
这篇关于在 N 个字符串中查找公共子串的算法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!