本文介绍了Twilio Video API中会议室的参加人数是否有限制?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在Twilio Video API中,团体类型的会议室中的参与者人数是否有限制?在文档中指定了对等类型的限制,但对组类型房间没有任何说明.

Is there any limit for number of participants in a room of group type in Twilio Video API? In the documentation is specified a limit for peer-to-peer type but said nothing about group type rooms.


UPDATE: Twilio mentioned limit for 50 participants per room in the article in their blog. It looks like a very small number. Is it still the same?

https://www.twilio .com/blog/2017/05/announcing-programmable-video-group-rooms.html



Twilio developer evangelist here.

在Twilio Video中,一个小组会议室中的最大参加人数为50.在对等会议室中,该人数最多为10.

The maximum number of participants in a group room in Twilio Video is 50. In a peer to peer room, it is 10.

Twilio Video用于群聊,而不用于广播或其他一对多用例.

Twilio Video is intended for group chats, not for broadcasting or other one to many use cases.

在Twilio Video中使用对等会议室时,每个对等方必须将其媒体流发送到会议室中的每个对等方,并从所有其他对等方接收流.这就是为什么限制只有10个的原因.

When you use a peer to peer room in Twilio Video, each peer has to send their media stream to each other peer in the room and receive streams from all other peers. This is why the limit is just 10.

在Twilio Video中使用小组会议室时,每个参与者将其流发送到中央服务器,该服务器将所有参与者的视频混合并向后发送一个流.在这种情况下,随着每个参与者的加入,服务器需要做更多的工作,最大值为50.

When you use a group room in Twilio Video, each participant sends their stream to a central server that mixes the video of all the participants and sends one stream back. In this case, the server needs to do more work as each participant joins, the maximum is 50.

这篇关于Twilio Video API中会议室的参加人数是否有限制?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 08:55