

我目前正试图找出从PHP创建.xls文件的最佳方法。对我来说,所有我需要做的是将标题内容类型更改为application / vnd.ms-excel,然后以逗号分隔格式输出数据。

I am currently trying to figure out the best way to create a .xls file from PHP. It seems like to me that all I need to do is change the header content type to "application/vnd.ms-excel", and then output data in a comma separated format. Is this the best way to do this?


Thanks for any help!



Would it be bad to just output the data as HTML? I already have a class that I would like to extend for this problem, so I would prefer to stay away from a third party solution. I just need to know what the best way to output the data would be in order to get the most out of that file format.


After looking at PHPExcel it seems to be the best solution for this issue. I appreciate all of your answers and I would have given three correct answers if I could lol. But up votes will have to do :)


取决于你想要一个CSV文件还是一个XLS文件。 XLS文件可以包括单元格的格式化信息,以及行/列锁定,保护和CSV文件中不可能的其他功能。此外,请记住,当打开CSV文件时,Excel不能正确支持UTF-8编码的内容。

Depends if you want a CSV file or an XLS file. An XLS file can include formatting information for the cells, as well as row/column locking, protections and other features that are impossible in a CSV file. Also, keep in mind that Excel does not correctly support UTF-8 encoded content when opening CSV files.


If you want a formatted XLS file, then you need a library such as PHPExcel that can write a file with that formatting, or COM if you're server is running on Windows with Excel installed


08-19 13:04