我正在开发一个angular 2应用程序,其中我必须在组件之一中实现rappid,并且已经购买了rappid许可证,并获得了许可的rappid.js文件.
I am working on a angular 2 application wherein I have to implement rappid in one of component and had already purchased a licence of rappid with which I have got the licenced rappid.js file.
有关如何将rappid与Angular 2集成的问题.
Facing issues on how to integrate rappid with Angular 2.
I have to make use of toolbar, halo, inspector, stencil and other ui components of rappid.
我想如果我使用npm jointjs模块,这些功能将在那里不可用,因为那只会公开核心的JointJS库.
And I guess if I go with npm jointjs module, these features will be not available over there because that will only expose the core JointJS library.
是否有可用的演示应用程序显示Rappid与Angular 2的集成.
Is there any demo application available showing the integration of Rappid with Angular 2.
找不到很好的答案,所以我使用Angular 6和Rappid 2.2进行了完整的演示
Couldn't find a good answer so I made a full demo using Angular 6 and Rappid 2.2
git clone https://github.com/wdunn001/Rappid-Angular-Demo
npm i
ng serve
so to get this working I had to
使用所有必需的rappid js及其依赖项库以及主干joinjs jquery和lodash的@type编辑package.json
edit the package.json with all of the required rappid js and its dependencies libraries and the @type for backbone joinjs jquery and lodash
主干网":"^ 1.3.3","jointjs":"^ 2.1.0","jquery":"^ 3.3.1","lodash":"^ 3.10.1","dagre":"0.7.4","graphlib":"1.0.7","canvg":"git + https://github.com/clientIO/canvg. git#v2.2.0-rappid ","ws":"0.8.1"
"backbone": "^1.3.3","jointjs": "^2.1.0","jquery": "^3.3.1","lodash": "^3.10.1","dagre": "0.7.4","graphlib": "1.0.7","canvg": "git+https://github.com/clientIO/canvg.git#v2.2.0-rappid","ws": "0.8.1"
include those in the angular.json
include the .css from rappid.min.css in the angular.json also the style.material.css from the kitchensink.ts app ensure the style.css from the kitchensink.ts app is added to the app.component.css and all references to body or html are applied to :host
edit the styles.css in your app to have a display block for canvas
以大约1000种方式编辑kitchensink .ts,请参阅github此处列出的很多内容
edit the kitchensink .ts in about a 1000 ways refer to the github to much here to list
import the config files and model files and ensure the properly reference the right directory
move all assets to the angular assets folder
make sure your ts config points to the rappid.min.t.ds file