我正在尝试为kinect相机构建一个python程序。 我正在尝试重新创建由https://github.com/Microsoft/PTVS/wiki/PyKinect提供的教程。我下载了所有软件并用pip安装了pykinect,但是当我执行
I am trying to build a python program for a kinect camera. I was trying to recreate the tutorial provided by https://github.com/Microsoft/PTVS/wiki/PyKinect . I downloaded all of the software and installed pykinect with pip, but when I execute the program I receive an import error "no module named pykinect".
根据你的描述,你正在开发一个python kinect相机的程序和执行程序时有任何错误,是不是?
According to your description, you are developing a python program for a kinect camera and when execute your program there has any error, is it right?
请尝试从下面的链接下载Kinect示例程序并在Visual Studio 2013中运行它来检查是否可以成功运行。
Please try download a Kinect sample program from below link and run it in your Visual Studio 2013 to check whether it could be run successful.
Based on the error message, there should be some problem when importing pykinect module.
如果示例项目运行成功,则项目中应该存在一些问题。我建议你将你的开发问题发布到Python开发论坛以获得更好的帮助,因为这个论坛讨论的是Visual Studio IDE问题。
If the sample project is running successful, there should be some problem in your project. I sugget you post your development issue to Python develop forum to get a better help because this forum is discuss Visual Studio IDE issues.
如果所有Kinect项目在Visual Studio 2013中都出现相同的错误,问题应该与Visual Studio IDE有关。请尝试按照以下步骤解决此问题。
If all Kinect project get the same error in your Visual Studio 2013, the problem should be related to Visual Studio IDE. Please try with following steps to troubleshoot this issue.
- 以管理员身份运行Visual Studio 2013,以确保其具有足够的权限来加载项目中所需的所有模块。
- 将Visual Studio 2013更新到最新版本。您可以查看工具中的更新 - >扩展和更新。
- 将Visual Studio 2013的所有Python工具更新到最新版本。
Best Regards,