本文介绍了Java 同步块 vs concurrentHashMap vs Collections.synchronizedMap的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Say If have a synchronized method and within that method, I update a hashmap like this:

public synchronized void method1()
    //populate the hashmap, takes about 5 seconds.


now while the method1 is running and the hashmap is being re-populated, if there are other threads tring to get the value of the hashmap, I assume they will get blocked?

现在,如果我将 hashmap 更改为 ConcurrentHashMap,而不是使用同步方法,如下所示,行为是什么?

Now instead of using sync method, if I change hashmap to ConcurrentHashMap like below, what's the behaviour?

public void method1()
    //populate the hashmap, takes about 5 seconds.

如果我使用 Collections.synchronizedMap 会怎样?是一样的吗?

what if i use Collections.synchronizedMap ? is it the same?


如果你想让 HashMap 的所有读写操作同步,你需要把 synchronize 在所有访问 HashMap 的方法上;仅阻止一种方法是不够的.

If you want to have all read and write actions to your HashMap synchronized, you need to put the synchronize on all methods accessing the HashMap; it is not enough to block just one method.

ConcurrentHashMap 允许线程安全地访问您的数据而无需锁定.这意味着您可以在一个线程中添加/删除值,同时在另一个线程中获取值而不会遇到异常.另请参阅ConcurrentHashMap 的文档

ConcurrentHashMap allows thread-safe access to your data without locking. That means you can add/remove values in one thread and at the same time get values out in another thread without running into an exception. See also the documentation of ConcurrentHashMap

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07-29 19:17