I'm looking for a C# library that provides access to both SSH and Telnet under the same interface. What would be a good choice?
I recommend Granados for SSH stack. It has been used in many products.
我推荐这 code项目页的telnet栈。
I recommend this code project page for telnet stack.
您还可以下载 Poderosa终端模拟器。它使用格拉纳多斯的SSH协议栈,它有它自己的实现远程登录协议栈的。
You can also download Poderosa terminal emulator. It's using Granados as the SSH stack and it has its own implementation of telnet stack.
Poderosa非常插拔。它提供对网络堆栈的好抽象层。如果你没有时间写自己的统一的界面,你应该检查他们的工作。它提供了在同一个界面像你想要什么同时访问SSH和Telnet。不幸的是,写的日本工程师。所有行内注释写在日本。这可能需要你一些时间来了解C $ CS的$。
Poderosa is very pluggable. It provides a good abstraction layer on the network stacks. If you don't have time to write your own unified interface, you should really check out their work. It provides access to both SSH and Telnet under the same interface like what you want. Unfortunately, it's written by Japanese engineers. All the inline comments are written in Japanese. It may take you some time to understand the codes.
You may also like to check out the terminal emulation library as well. Since you are going to process the data returning from the remote terminals, most terminals return escape character sequence for device control commands, font color/style or cursor movement commands.
您可能没有注意到,即使在一个简单的命令ls -al,返回的内容也可能涉及一些转义字符序列。那些转义序列,使不同的颜色示出的目录名和文件名。
You may not notice that even in a simple command "ls -al", the returned content may also involve some escape character sequences. Those escape sequences are to make the directory name and file name shown in different colors.
Again, for terminal emulation, the best C# library I can find is Poderosa. If you don't have to use C# library, PuTTY has the best terminal emulation support. It can recognize almost all escape character sequences I have seen so far.
Although I highly recommend you to look at Poderosa and Granados, please be aware that these projects seem to be no longer active. Well.. even so, it's still the best I have seen.