我一直在阅读有关交易和jooq 但我很难看到如何在实践中实现它.
I've been reading about transactions & jooq but I struggle to see how to implement it in practice.
假设我为 JOOQ 提供了一个自定义的 ConnectionProvider
,它恰好使用了一个自动提交设置为 false 的连接池.
Let's say I provide JOOQ with a custom ConnectionProvider
which happens to use a connection pool with autocommit set to false.
@Override public Connection acquire() throws DataAccessException {
return pool.getConnection();
@Override public void release(Connection connection) throws DataAccessException {
我将如何将两个 jooq 查询包装到一个事务中?
How would I go about wrapping two jooq queries into a single transaction?
使用 DefaultConnectionProvider 很容易,因为只有一个连接 - 但是使用池我不知道如何去做.
It is easy with the DefaultConnectionProvider because there's only one connection - but with a pool I'm not sure how to go about it.
jOOQ 3.4 Transaction API
使用 jOOQ 3.4,事务 API已添加到 JDBC、Spring 或 JTA 事务管理器上的抽象.此 API 可用于 Java 8,例如:
jOOQ 3.4 Transaction API
With jOOQ 3.4, a transaction API has been added to abstract over JDBC, Spring, or JTA transaction managers. This API can be used with Java 8 as such:
.transaction(ctx -> {
.set(TABLE.COL, newValue)
或者使用 Java 8 之前的语法
Or with pre-Java 8 syntax
.transaction(new TransactionRunnable() {
public void run(Configuration ctx) {
.set(TABLE.COL, newValue)
这个想法是 lambda 表达式(或匿名类)形成事务代码,其中:
The idea is that the lambda expression (or anonymous class) form the transactional code, which:
- 在正常完成时提交
- 出现异常时回滚
SPI 可用于覆盖默认行为,该行为使用 保存点
当前文档显示了使用 Spring 进行事务处理的示例:
The current documentation shows an example when using Spring for transaction handling:
这个例子本质上归结为使用 Spring TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy
This example essentially boils down to using a Spring TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy
<!-- Using Apache DBCP as a connection pooling library.
Replace this with your preferred DataSource implementation -->
<bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"
init-method="createDataSource" destroy-method="close">
<property name="driverClassName" value="org.h2.Driver" />
<property name="url" value="jdbc:h2:~/maven-test" />
<property name="username" value="sa" />
<property name="password" value="" />
<!-- Using Spring JDBC for transaction management -->
<bean id="transactionManager"
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<bean id="transactionAwareDataSource"
<constructor-arg ref="dataSource" />
<!-- Bridging Spring JDBC data sources to jOOQ's ConnectionProvider -->
<bean class="org.jooq.impl.DataSourceConnectionProvider"
<constructor-arg ref="transactionAwareDataSource" />
可从 GitHub 获取运行示例:
A running example is available from GitHub here:
虽然我个人不推荐它,但一些用户已经成功地用 Guice 替换了 Spring 的部分 DI 并使用 Guice 处理事务.GitHub 上还有一个针对此用例的集成测试运行示例:
Although I personally wouldn't recommend it, some users have had success replacing a part of Spring's DI by Guice and handle transactions with Guice. There is also an integration-tested running example on GitHub for this use-case:
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