

我关注了此博客-> https://medium.com/@teyou21/training-your-object-detection-model-on-tensorflow-part-2-e9e12714bdf ,并构建了预先在称为"ssd_mobilenet_v2_quantized_coco"的COCO数据集.

I had followed this blog --> https://medium.com/@teyou21/training-your-object-detection-model-on-tensorflow-part-2-e9e12714bdf , and built a SSD Mobilenet model which is pre-trained on the COCO Dataset called "ssd_mobilenet_v2_quantized_coco".


What happens here is that it perfectly detects my new classes, but I want to include the pre-trained classes as well.

我尝试将类数更改为96(90个预训练+ 6个新类),并使用来自COCO数据集的所有标签的名称和相应ID编辑了"labelmap.pbtxt",并在其中添加了新类最后从ID 91-96开始.

I tried changing the number of classes to 96 ( 90 pre-trained + 6 new ) and edited the "labelmap.pbtxt" with the name and corresponding id of all labels from the COCO Dataset with the new classes being added at the last from ids 91 - 96.



What should I do to detect both the pre-trained and new classes?



It depends on how you use the pre trained weights:

  1. 用于迁移学习(我认为您发送的链接就是他们的工作)
  2. 使用为整个模型的拟合提供了起点.


The first option only trains the detection head and not the backbone of the network - This means that the backbone weights are sherd between your model and the original model.


In the second option you train all the network, backbone + detection head- This means that you have two different models


If in your case you use the second option then the only way to do what you want is to load both networks and run inference on the image once with the original network and second with your new network. Then you combine your results.


If you use the first option then you could do the following:

  1. 训练网络上的数据并保存新的检测头权重.
  2. 创建一个具有相同主干但有两个检测头的新网络:一个带有原始砝码,另一个带有新砝码.


The idea is that because the backbone is the same for both we can use the backbone to extract the features for the image and then feed each detection head with the features.

这是一本有关如何从一个图形中提取权重并将其合并为一个新的权重的教程(这是针对TF1的). TensorFlow:保存/恢复和混合多个模型

This is a tutorial on how to extract weights from one graph and combine them in a new one (This is for TF1) TensorFlow: saving/restoring and mixing multiple models


Here you can read on how to save and restore part of a model - save-and-restore-a-subset-of-variables


07-22 16:42