


I know this question has been asked before, but all solutions do not work for me.


I have a function with sends parameters to an API, and returns the data as a list, I have a UITableView set up to use that list, but it runs before the list is assigned to a variable.


var functionResult = [String]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
        //gradesscrollView.contentSize.height = 3000
        fetchItems{ (str) in

            var returnedItems = [String]()

            let result = self.convertoArray(itemstoPass: str!)
            for i in result{

        self.tableofItems.delegate = self
        self.tableofItems.dataSource = self //Data source is set up to use functionResult, however functionResult is empty before fetchItem runs.



I would appreciate it if it is not immediately voted as a duplicate, here is what I have tried.

  1. 派遣小组

  2. 信号量时间

  3. 运行变量

  4. 包括 self.tableofItems.delegate = self& self.tableofItems.dataSource = self in fetchItems {(str)in part。

  1. Dispatch groups
  2. Semaphore timing
  3. running variables
  4. including self.tableofItems.delegate = self & self.tableofItems.dataSource = self in the fetchItems{ (str) in part.


Fetch items has been requested,

func fetchItems(completionHandler: @escaping (String?) -> ()) -> () {
        let headers = [
            "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        //Switch to keychain
        let username = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "username") as! String?
        let password = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "password") as! String?

        let usernametoSend = username!
        let passwordtoSend = password!

        let parameters: Parameters = [
            "username": usernametoSend,
            "password": passwordtoSend

        Alamofire.request("https://www.mywebsite.com/API/getItems", method: .post, parameters: parameters, headers: headers)
            .responseString { response in


您不能 - 也不应该 - 等到异步调用完成。您需要学习异步编程,直到您理解它为止。

You can't - and shouldn't - wait until an async call to complete. You need to study async programming until you understand it.


An async function accepts a job to do, and returns immediately, before the job is done.


in Swift you usually write an async function to take a completion handler, which is a block of code that you want to be run one the async task is complete.


I have a project called Async_demo (link) on Github that illustrates this. It implements a DownloadManager class that handles async downloads.

关键部分是函数 downloadFileAtURL(),它应该是更恰当地命名为downloadDataAtURL,因为它返回内存中的数据而不是文件。

The key part is the function downloadFileAtURL(), which should more properly be named downloadDataAtURL, since it returns in-memory data rather than a file.


I created that function to take a completion handler as a parameter:

 This function demonstrates handling an async task.
 - Parameter url The url to download
 - Parameter completion: A completion handler to execute once the download is finished

  func downloadFileAtURL(_ url: URL, completion: @escaping DataClosure) {

    //We create a URLRequest that does not allow caching so you can see the download take place
    let request = URLRequest(url: url,
                             cachePolicy: .reloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCacheData,
                             timeoutInterval: 30.0)
    let dataTask = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) {
      //This is the completion handler, which runs LATER,
      //after downloadFileAtURL has returned.
      data, response, error in

      //Perform the completion handler on the main thread
      DispatchQueue.main.async() {
        //Call the copmletion handler that was passed to us
        completion(data, error)

    //When we get here the data task will NOT have completed yet!

它使用NSURLSession从中下载数据块指定的URL。我使用的数据请求调用需要一个在后台线程上执行的完成处理程序。在我传递给数据任务的完成处理程序中,我调用传递给 downloadFileAtURL()函数的完成处理程序,但是在主线程上。

It uses an NSURLSession to download a block of data from the specified URL. The data request call I use takes a completion handler that gets executed on a background thread. In the completion handler that I pass to the data task, I invoke the completion handler that's passed in to the downloadFileAtURL() function, but on the main thread.


The code you posted is kind of confusing. It isn't clear which part is the async function, what the flow is, or what data is needed to display your table view.

如果你重写你的函数那么async工作以获取完成块,然后您可以在完成块中调用 tableView.reloadData()。 (确保在主线程上执行调用。)

If you rewrite your function that does async work to take a completion block then you could call tableView.reloadData() in your completion block. (Make sure that call is performed on the main thread.)

正如其他人所说的那样,您需要编辑您的问题以显示 fetchItems()函数的代码。

As others have said, you need to edit your question to show the code for your fetchItems() function.


I'm guessing that that function is the one that does the Async work, and that the block after it is a completion handler that gets performed asynchronously. If so, you should probably refactor your code like this:

var functionResult = [String]()
override func viewDidLoad() {

        //I moved these lines above the call to fetchItems to make it clear
        //that they run before fetchItems' completion closure is executed
        self.tableofItems.delegate = self
        self.tableofItems.dataSource = self //Data source is set up to use functionResult, however functionResult is empty before fetchItem runs.

        print("Step 1")
        fetchItems{ (str) in

            var returnedItems = [String]()

            let result = self.convertoArray(itemstoPass: str!)
            for i in result{
            print("Step 3")
            DispatchQueue.main.async() {
              tableview.reloadData() //Do this from the main thread, inside the closure of `fetchItems()`

        print("Step 2")


07-22 12:50