我有一个包含 NA 的多元 zoo
I have a multivariate zoo
time series that contains NAs and I want to convert that to a quarterly series.
df1 <-1:12
df1[df1%%4==0] <- NA
zoo.object <- zoo(matrix(df1, ncol=2),as.Date("2013-01-01")+(0:5)*35)
colnames(zoo.object) <-c("stock1","stock2")
> zoo.object
stock1 stock2
2013-01-01 1 7
2013-02-05 2 NA
2013-03-12 3 9
2013-04-16 NA 10
2013-05-21 5 11
2013-06-25 6 NA
理想情况下,我希望保留每只股票的本季度早期数据.我曾尝试从 xts 包中每季度一次,但问题是它删除了带有 NA 的行.
Ideally, I would like to keep the earlier data in the quarter for each stocks.I have tried to.quarterly from the xts package, but the problem is that it removes lines with NAs.
> to.quarterly(zoo.object,OHLC = FALSE)
stock1 stock2
2013 Q1 3 9
2013 Q2 5 11
Warning message:
In to.period(x, "quarters", indexAt = indexAt, name = name, ...) :
missing values removed from data
我也考虑过使用 na.locf
,但这将数据从一个季度传送到下一个.(在 2013 年 4 月 16 日(第 1 季度)的股票 1 示例中,不应等于 3(因为这是第 2 季度的值).reverse na.locf
I have also thought about using na.locf
, but this carries data from one quarter to the next. (in the example stock 1 on 2013-04-16 (quarter 1) should not be equal to 3 (as this is a quarter 2 value). A reverse na.locf
would not work either because it could carry numbers from a later quarter.
Using my example, here’s what I would like:
stock1 stock2
2013 Q1 1 7
2013 Q2 5 10
(z <- period.apply(zoo.object, endpoints(zoo.object, "quarters"),
function(x) first(na.locf(x, fromLast=TRUE))))
# stock1 stock2
#2013-03-12 1 7
#2013-06-25 5 10
index(z) <- as.yearqtr(index(z))
# stock1 stock2
#2013 Q1 1 7
#2013 Q2 5 10
index(z) <- as.Date(as.yearqtr(index(z)))
# stock1 stock2
#2013-01-01 1 7
#2013-04-01 5 10
这篇关于使用 NA 将时间序列转换为.季度的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!