


using the below code we are able to list the files between two dates.But we need to check the timestamp also. i.e. List all the files between date & time.

wmic datafile where "drive='%drive%' and path='%folder:\=\\%' and creationdate>'%start%' and creationdate<'%end%'" get creationdate, name, size



Another much simpler (and faster!) approach would be this one:


EDIT: I modified the former code so it now process creation dates, instead of last modified ones.

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

if "%~2" neq "" goto begin
echo Usage: %0  YYYYMMDDHHMMstart  YYYYMMDDHHMMend
goto :EOF

for /F "skip=5 tokens=1-7* delims=/: " %%a in ('dir /A-D /T:C *.*') do (
   if "%%h" equ "" goto break
   set "hour=%%d"
   if "%%f" equ "p.m." set /A "hour=(1%%d+12)%%100"
   set "fileDate=%%c%%a%%b!hour!%%e"
   if "!fileDate!" geq "%~1" if "!fileDate!" leq "%~2" echo %%a/%%b/%%c  %%d:%%e %%f   %%g   %%h

是的,我知道此方法不包括秒数,并且取决于语言环境,但是对于OP和一定数量的用户来说可能就足够了.只需将 %% c %% a %% b 顺序更改为适当的顺序即可解决语言环境问题(例如 %% c %% b %% a ),并且可能需要对"tokens = 1-7 * 部分进行少量调整.

Yes, I know that this method don't include the seconds and it is locale dependant, but it may be enough for the OP and a certain number of users. The locale problem may be fixed with a simple change in the %%c%%a%%b order to the appropriate one (like %%c%%b%%a) and perhaps a small adjustment in the "tokens=1-7* part.


08-30 07:49