


Examples in the Zend tutorial:

  • phpunit.xml.dist
  • local.php.dist
  • TestConfig.php.dist



.dist files are often configuration files which do not contain the real-world deploy-specific parameters (e.g. Database Passwords, etc.), and are there to help you get started with the application/framework faster. So, to get started with such frameworks, you should remove the .dist extension, and customize your configuration file with your personal parameters.

我在使用.dist扩展名时看到的一个目的是避免在VCS上发布个人数据(例如git).因此,作为可重用应用程序的开发人员,您将使用自己的配置文件,但将实际的入门配置数据放在单独的后缀为.dist的文件中. (请参阅 Symfony2 的文档,第4部分)

One purpose I have seen in using .dist extension, is to avoid publishing personal data on VCSs (say git). So, you, as the developer of a reusable app, would use your own configuration file, but put the de-facto get-started config data in a separate .dist-suffixed file. (See Symfony2's documentation, 4th part)


10-19 17:28