Are there any advantages/disadvantages in using a specific format for http://www.schema.org/Product? Something like "Searchengines understand Microdata better than JSON-LD"? I would like to use JSON-LD, because it doesn't mess-up with your html-code, but I'm not sure if it would be better concerning the searchengines to use Microdata.
There is no general answer, it depends on the consumer of the data.
A specific consumer supports a specific set of syntaxes, and might or might not recommend a subset of these supported syntaxes.
因为搜索引擎通常会尽量确保不会误入歧途(例如,关于 X 的页面通过其 Schema.org 声称是关于 Y),他们更喜欢将 Schema.org 元数据与页面的可见内容相结合的语法(在 HTML5 中,这将是微数据或 RDFa);出于同样的原因,为什么许多元标签对 SEO 来说已经死了.
Because search engines usually try to make sure not to get lead astray (e.g., a page about X claims via its Schema.org use to be about Y), it seems natural that they would prefer a syntax that couples the Schema.org metadata to the visible content of the page (in HTML5, this would be Microdata or RDFa); for the same reasons why many meta tags are dead for SEO.
然而,情况并非总是如此.例如,Google 建议将 JSON-LD 用于其一些功能(我的粗体强调):
However, this is not necessarily always the case. Google, for example, recommends the use of JSON-LD for a few of their features (bold emphasis mine):
虽然我们强烈建议使用 JSON-LD,但 Google 也可以读取嵌入在具有微数据或 RDFa 标准的网页中的 schema.org 字段.
我们推荐 JSON-LD.或者,您可以使用微数据.
这篇关于Schema.org:使用微数据、RDFa 还是 JSON-LD?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!