


I have to draw an ellipse of arbitrary size and orientation pixel by pixel. It seems pretty easy to draw an ellipse whose major and minor axes align with the x and y axes, but rotating the ellipse by an arbitrary angle seems trickier. Initially I though it might work to draw the unrotated ellipse and apply a rotation matrix to each point, but it seems as though that could cause errors do to rounding, and I need rather high precision.


Is my suspicion about this method correct? How could I accomplish this task more precisely?

我在C ++程序设计(尽管这应该没什么关系,因为这是一个更加面向算法的问题)。

I'm programming in C++ (although that shouldn't really matter since this is a more algorithm-oriented question).


as David pointed out, I guess I may really be wondering how to do pixel interpolation.



x = X cos(a) - Y sin(a)
y = Y cos(a) + X sin(a)

其中, A 是逆时针旋转的角度,(X,Y)是新坐标,(X,Y)是旧的。

Where a is the angle of anticlockwise rotation, (x, y) are the new coordinates, and (X, Y) are the old.

您应该使用花车以preserve precision。刚刚经历的每一点,应用转换,就万事大吉了。

You should use floats to preserve precision. Just go through every point, apply the transformation, and voilà.


after some searching, here's some code from Microsoft: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/awf/graphics/bres-ellipse.html that draws rastered conic sections.


10-29 22:16