


Using some criterion, there are some pixels in the image which I'm not interested in. So, I would like to neglect them. I just want to ask if the approach I have followed is acceptable. I have assigned such pixels a negative value. Would that be acceptable? And, what does it mean when a pixel has a negative value? Will it have some representation on the image?



If your data type allows it, like signed integer (CV_32S) or floating point (CV_32F or CV_64F), it makes perfect sense to use negative values and it is a very common way to specify ignored pixels. In this case there is no special meaning to a negative value except your interpretation of it.

另一方面,如果你使用8位无符号图像(CV_8U),这可能会导致错误:它可能被截断为零或转换为[0,255] ]使用modulo-256添加,具体取决于您的opencv版本。在最坏的情况下,如果以非常糟糕的方式访问像素数据,它也可能溢出到邻居像素并修改它们的值。因此,如果使用8位图像,则应该使用掩码来指定忽略的像素,如phyrox所述。

On the other hand, if you use 8-bit unsigned images (CV_8U), this may lead to errors : it may either be truncated to zero or converted to [0,255] using modulo-256 addition, depending on your version of opencv. In the worst case, it may also overflow to neighbor pixels and modify their values, if you access pixel data in a very bad way. So if you work with 8-bit images, you should rather use a mask to specify ignored pixels, as phyrox explained.


10-28 07:53