

这可能是一个非常简单的问题,但我与此有冲突。我将特定的二进制图像(28 x 28)分成(4 x 4)个样本。现在我想计算每个样本的像素密度(我将这些密度值用作OCR应用程序中的特征)。据我所知,密度定义了特定区域中的像素数,例如每平方英寸7个像素。在这里是一样的吗?我的所有样本都有4个像素。 Moment-> m00与像素密度之间是否存在关系?有人能解释一下吗? plz help


hi, this may be a very simple matter, but i have conflict with that. I have split a particular binary image(28 x 28) into (4 x 4) samples. Now i want to calculate the pixel densities of each sample(i use those density values as features in a OCR application). As i know density defines the number of pixels in a particular area, like 7 pixels per square inch. Is that the same in here? all of my samples have 4 pixels. Is there are relationship between Moment->m00 and pixel density ? can someone explain this ? plz help



10-23 01:26