我想为< textarea>
使用的方法是隐藏textarea并创建一个div是可编辑的(将属性 contenteditable =true
底线,当您键入框中时,该值将被放入textarea,任何不正确的单词都会加下划线并变成红色。目前它只标记最后一个词是不正确的。您需要注释该行,取消注释for循环,并实现 isMispelled(String)
I would like to add a colored wiggly underline to certain text fragments of a <textarea>
element. The effect would be similar to that of spell checkers.
How can I do this with javascript, possibly with the help of jquery?
The only control I have over the html markup is through javascript. My first thought was to add styles to those text fragments, but as far as I know, one can only style the entire textarea element, not individual text fragments.
I know what I am trying to achieve is possible, as there is commercial software achieving a similar effect, but I'm still trying to figure out what are the tricks involved.
The approach being used is to hide the textarea and create a div that is editable (add the attribute contenteditable="true"
to a div. I'm not too sure of browser compatibility). On every key press the javascript grabs all the content, locates mis-spelled words and puts a span around the offending word. Using css they put a squiggle red underline under the word (an image of a small segment of red squiggle)
Thinking about it, they would need to keep track of the location of the cursor in the div in case the user starts entering text in the middle of the box, so that after altering the contents the script returns the cursor to the correct position and not at the end of the block of content.
Also, you would need to update the value of the textarea on each keypress.
Here is a jsFiddle of proof of concept:http://jsfiddle.net/tEnY8/
Bottom line, when you type into the box, the value is put into the textarea and any incorrect words are underlined and turned red. At the moment it only flags the last word as being incorrect. You need to comment that line out, uncomment the for loop, and implement the isMispelled(String)
Here is a further proof of concept: http://jsfiddle.net/tEnY8/4/
Basically I've set up an array of correctly spelled words, then the loop checks if the word exists in the array; if it does not then the word is probably mis-spelled.