- Are functional languages suited for web applications development?
- Are functional languages suited for business/ERP/CRM type of applications?
您描述的那种函数式语言是通用编程语言,它们用于各种事物,包括 Web 应用程序和业务应用程序.(我使用 Haskell).
Functional languages of the kind you describe are general purpose programming languages, they're used for all manner of things, including web apps and business apps. (I use Haskell).
正如 gabor 所暗示的,最终归结为图书馆.Scala 有一个网络框架:lift.Haskell 有 happstack,以及 4400(在 2012 年)Hackage 上的图书馆,用于各种事情.
As gabor implies, ultimately it comes down to libraries. Scala has a web framework: lift. Haskell has happstack, as well as 4400 (in 2012) libraries on Hackage for all manner of thiings.
It really isn't so much a question of the language, as the toolchain, when considering particular specialized domains.