

我正在阅读Hadley Wickham的Advanced R,其中提供了一些非常好的练习.其中之一要求对此功能进行描述:

I am reading Advanced R by Hadley Wickham where some very good exercises are provided. One of them asks for description of this function:

f1 <- function(x = {y <- 1; 2}, y = 0) {
  x + y


Can someone help me to understand why it returns 3? I know there is something called lazy evaluation of the input arguments, and e.g. another exercise asks for description of this function

f2 <- function(x = z) {
  z <- 100

我正确地预测是100; x获取z的值,该值在函数内部求值,然后返回x.我无法弄清楚f1()中会发生什么.

and I correctly predicted to be 100; x gets value of z which is evaluated inside a function, and then x is returned. I cannot figure out what happens in f1(), though.



请参见 https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-patched/R-lang.html#Evaluation :

,并且来自 https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-patched/R-lang.html#Arguments :

总而言之,如果参数没有用户指定的值,则将在函数的评估框架中评估其默认值.因此,首先不评估y.在函数的求值框架中求出默认值x时,将y修改为1,然后将x设置为2.由于已经找到y,因此默认参数没有变化.评估.如果您尝试f1(y = 1)f1(y = 2),结果仍然是3.

In summary, if the parameter does not have user-specified value, its default value will be evaluated in the function's evaluation frame. So y is not evalulated at first. When the default of x is evaluated in the function's evaluation frame, y will be modified to 1, then x will be set to 2. As y is already found, the default argument has no change to be evaluated. if you try f1(y = 1) and f1(y = 2), the results are still 3.


09-05 17:30