I have an Excel file that is full of macro and functions and userforms that help the user to fill the data correctly in this Excel file. I need to write a VBScript that accesses one of the userforms. Fills it automatically. I know how to call a VBA macro that does exist in a workbook.
objExcel.Application.Run"'CAM0500040F10_SW_Quality_Assurance_Report_Template (05-11-2012).xlsm'!new_document()"
but now I need to be able to fill a userform from my code. is there a way to do that?
一种方法是使用 SendKeys
One way to do that is to use SendKeys
function like this
SendKeys "Value1{Tab}Value2{Return}"
The above code will fill the first field with the string "Value1" then the focus will shift (because of TAB being sent) then the second field will get "Value2". If you need to press an Enter key then you can do that too.
您可以在此处阅读有关SendKeys函数,可以键入哪些键的更多信息,等等. http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/office/aa202943(v = office.10).aspx
You can read more about SendKeys function, what keys you can type, and so on herehttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa202943(v=office.10).aspx