为什么IE不支持 Number.isNaN 功能?我不能使用简单的isNan代替Number.isNaN,因为这些函数是不同的!例如:
Why does not IE support the Number.isNaN function? I can't use simple isNan instead of Number.isNaN 'cause these functions are different!For example:
Number.isNaN("abacada") != isNaN("abacada") //false != true
我需要抽象字符串和数字并检查,是否有一些var确实包含 NaN (我的意思是NaN常量,但不是数字值,例如字符串).
I need to abstract string and number and check, is some var really contains NaN (I mean NaN constant, but not-a-number value like strings).
someobj.someopt = "blah"/0;
someobj.someopt2 = "blah";
someobj.someopt3 = 150;
for(a in someobj) if(Number.isNaN(someobj[a])) alert('!');
That code should show alert for 1 time. But if I will change Number.isNaN to isNaN, it will alert 2 times. There are differences.
May be there is some alternative function exists?
这对于Stack Overflow来说是相当不合时宜的,但是根据 Number.isNaN
的MDN页面,未在任何标准—中定义它仅在ECMAScript 6的规范草案中.而且Internet Explorer并不是唯一不支持它的浏览器.
That's rather off-topic for Stack Overflow, but according to the MDN page for Number.isNaN
, it's not defined in any standard — it's only in the draft spec for ECMAScript 6 — and Internet Explorer is not the only browser that doesn't support it.
Not really, but you can easily define one:
function myIsNaN(o) {
return typeof(o) === 'number' && isNaN(o);
function myIsNaN(o) {
return o !== o;