


import requests
import grequests
import requests_cache

urls = [

rs = (grequests.get(u) for u in urls)
results = grequests.map(rs)

我希望执行完此操作后,我会在当前目录中找到 bla.sqlite 文件并执行

I would expect that after executing this I will find bla.sqlite file in the current directory and executing

results = grequests.map(rs)

将更快,因为数据将从sqlite缓存中获取。不幸的是,这不是真的,根本没有创建文件,也没有加速。当我使用grequests insetead的请求时,一切正常。所以问题是标题说:是否可以使grequests和requests_cache一起工作?,如果可以,怎么办?

will be MUCH faster because data will be taken from sqlite cache. Unfortunately this is not true, file wasn't created at all and there is no speedup. When I use requests insetead of grequests everything works fine. So the question is a title says: Is it possible to make grequests and requests_cache work together? and if yes, how?


requests_cache.install_cache()函数修补了 requests.Session ,但您已经导入了 grequests ,它用于:

The requests_cache.install_cache() function patches requests.Session, but you already imported grequests, which used:

from requests import Session

因此, grequests 从未使用修补的会话对象。

As such, grequests never uses the patched session object.


Move the import to after you installed the cache:

import requests_cache
import grequests

或者,创建一个,并将其作为传递给 grequests.get()(及相关)方法会话参数:

Alternatively, create a CachedSession object and pass that in to the grequests.get() (and related) methods as the session parameter:

import grequests
import requests_cache

session = requests_cache.CachedSession('bla')

urls = [

rs = (grequests.get(u, session=session) for u in urls)
results = grequests.map(rs)

请注意,缓存存储后端可能无法安全处理并发访问。例如, sqlite 后端使用线程锁,这很可能会发生冲突。

Take into account that the cache storage backend may not be able to handle the corcurrent access safely. The sqlite backend uses a thread lock, for example, which might well clash.


08-26 07:12