本文介绍了在此 itemrenderer 中使用删除按钮创建下拉列表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用 Flex 4.5,我喜欢创建自定义下拉列表.事实上,我想在下拉列表的每一行中显示一个标签和一个删除按钮.目标是在单击删除按钮时删除该行.这看起来很简单,但我不知道如何去做.

I works with Flex 4.5 and I like to create a custom dropdownlist. Indeed, I'd like to show in each line on my dropdownlist a label and a delete button.The goal is to delete the line on click to delete button.This look like simple, but I don't found how to do that.



为此您必须跳过几个环节,因为 DropDownList 会阻止来自 ItemRenderer 内的对象的任何 MouseEvent.CLICK被解雇了.

You have to jump through a few hoops for this one because DropDownList prevents any MouseEvent.CLICK from an object inside an ItemRenderer from being fired.


First things first: you will need a custom event for this to work. One that carries your item or at least its index. e.g.:

public class ItemEvent extends Event {
    public static const REMOVE:String = "itemRemove";

    public var item:MyClass;

    public function ItemEvent(type:String, item:MyClass,
                              cancelable:Boolean=false) {
        super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
        this.item = item;

    override public function clone():Event {
        return new ItemEvent(type, item, bubbles, cancelable);


然后您创建一个带有删除"按钮的自定义 ItemRenderer,该按钮将调度此事件.

Then you create a custom ItemRenderer with a 'delete' Button that will dispatch this event.

<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

            private function remove():void {
                    new ItemEvent(ItemEvent.REMOVE, data as MyClass)

    <s:Label id="labelDisplay" verticalCenter="0" left="10" />

    <s:Button verticalCenter="0" right="10" width="16" height="16"
              mouseDown="remove()" />


这里重要的是您要捕获 Button 的 MOUSE_DOWN 事件,因为它的 CLICK 事件不会触发(如前所述).ItemRenderer 的 owner 属性指的是它是其子级的 List.

Important here is that you catch the MOUSE_DOWN event of the Button, since its CLICK event doesn't fire (as mentioned before). The owner property of the ItemRenderer refers to the List it is a child of.

现在是拼图的最后一块.这是带有自定义 ItemRenderer 的 DropDownList:

Now the last piece of the puzzle. Here's your DropDownList with custom ItemRenderer:

<s:DropDownList id="myDropDownList" dataProvider="{dp}"
                itemRenderer="MyItemRenderer" />


And here's how you listen for that custom event and remove the selected item:

myDropDownList.addEventListener(ItemEvent.REMOVE, removeSelectedItem);

private function removeSelectedItem(event:ItemEvent):void {
    var items:IList = myDropDownList.dataProvider;
    var index:int = items.getItemIndex(event.item);

因为我们捕获了 MOUSE_DOWN 而不是 CLICK,所以 myDropDownList.selectedIndex 属性仍将位于先前选择的项目(如果没有选择,则为 -1).这就是我们需要自定义事件的原因,因为没有其他方法可以知道您要删除哪个项目.

Because we caught the MOUSE_DOWN instead of CLICK the myDropDownList.selectedIndex property will still be at the previously selected item (or -1 if none was selected). This is why we needed the custom event, because there was no other way of knowing which is the item you want to remove.

这篇关于在此 itemrenderer 中使用删除按钮创建下拉列表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-26 04:38