

我正在尝试对事件控制器中的show方法进行一些更改,并注意到这些更改使差异为零。我注释掉@event = Event.find_by_slug(params [:slug])行,并且show视图仍然有效,并且不会产生错误!我什至删除了整个show方法,它仍然有效。我想了一下,我正在开发该应用程序的副本,但这绝对是正确的。

I'm trying to make some changes to the show method in my events controller and noticed the changes making zero difference. I commented out the @event = Event.find_by_slug(params[:slug]) line and the show view still works and does not produce an error! I even deleted the entire show method and it still works. I thought for a moment I was working on a copy of the app, but it's definitely the correct one.


I've never had this problem before, but did recently upgrade my Rails version from 3.2.0 to 3.2.13. Wondering if there's a caching setting somewhere that's causing this. Has anyone experienced similar or got any pointers on where to look for a caching config setting perhaps?


  def show
   @event = Event.find_by_slug(params[:slug])
   @meta_title = "#{@event.headline} at #{@event.venue.name}, #{@event.venue.town} - #{@event.event_date.to_date.to_formatted_s(:my_format)}"
   @meta_description = "#{@event.info.to_s.truncate(380, :separator => " ")}"
   @facebook_image = "#{@event.event_image.url(:large)}"
    respond_to do |format|
      format.html # show.html.erb
      format.json { render :json => @event }


The view is quite large, but I would call fields using something like this:

<h2><%= @event.headline %> TEST</h2>


'TEST' is something I just added to see if that would be rendered and it is, so i'm definitely editing the correct version of the app.


EDIT - New development in finding this bug

之后广泛搜索欺诈行为等,我逐渐开始尝试手动查找原因。首先,通过搭建新模型并查看是否发生了相同的行为。然后查看事件控制器中从上到下的不同之处,我开始注释行/动作,然后测试行为。无论如何,注释掉我用来调用CanCan gem的 load_and_authorize_resource ,它的能力模型导致我的应用程序按其应有的方式运行,显然现在没有基于角色的代码。

After extensive searches for dupe actions etc I gradually started trying to manually find the cause. First by scaffolding a new model and seeing if the same behaviour occurred and it didn't. Then looking at what was different, top to bottom in my event controller I started to comment out lines/actions and then test behaviour. Anyway, commenting out load_and_authorize_resource which I am using to call the CanCan gem and it's ability model the caused my app to behave as it should do, obviously now without my role based code.


Can anyone think why CanCan could be causing this?


可以同时具有 load_resource authorize_resource load_and_authorize_resource 。它们都按照他们说的去做,因此在您的示例中, load_resource 设置 @event 实例变量 @event = Event.find(params [:id]) authorize_resource 只会调用 authorize! @event load_and_authorize_resource 将首先加载资源,然后像以前一样进行授权。

CanCan have both load_resource, authorize_resource and load_and_authorize_resource. They all do what they say, so in your example will load_resource set the @event instance variable @event = Event.find(params[:id]). authorize_resource will just call authorize! @event before each action. load_and_authorize_resource will fist load the resource and then authorize as before.


class ArticlesController < ApplicationController

  def show
    # @article is already loaded and authorized


08-26 02:28