您是否在Websphere Application Server中创建了jdbc连接?
如果已经完成,可以在WAR文件和在WEB-INF /文件夹中查找web.xml文件。在我的情况下,我在文件中找到一个硬编码的jdbc,例如:
< resource-ref>
< description> Worklight服务器数据库< / description>
< res-ref-name> jdbc / WorklightDS< / res-ref-name>
< res-type> javax.sql.DataSource< / res-type>
< res-auth>容器< / res-auth>
< / resource-ref>
< resource-ref>
< description>报告数据库< / description>
< res-ref-name> jdbc / WorklightReportsDS< / res-ref-name>
< res-type> javax.sql.DataSource< / res-type>
< res-auth>容器< / res-auth>
< / resource-ref>
您可以将这些硬编码的文件重命名为与您在WAS中创建的jdbc相同的名称。 / p>
< db2 database =WRKLGHTserver =proddb.example.com
user = wl6adminpassword =wl6pass>
I got the following error message when I try to deploy my .war file to the application server:
I already doing some research and ask IBM's about our issue as wellas reviewed the following similar question: IBM Worklight 6.1 - Unable to initialize the project due to DB2 error
Have you create a jdbc connection in your Websphere Application Server?It will be needed by the application inside the WAR file to connect to the database.
If you have done it, you can check inside your WAR file and look for web.xml file in WEB-INF/ folder. In my case I found a jdbc hardcoded inside the file, for example:
<description>Worklight Server Database</description>
<description>Reports Database</description>
You can rename those hardcoded file into the same name of the jdbc that you created in you WAS.
For the database issue, you can follow this link to use ant for DB creation.
If you follow the 1st ant script for DB2 creation which will have two different databases, you need to create the new user for this line if you haven't done so.Because as you can see, in the xml script, user and password will be needed to create the WRKLGHT database. For example:
<db2 database="WRKLGHT" server="proddb.example.com"
user="wl6admin" password="wl6pass">
If you use non-default port for your DB2 connection, you can add on your port number parameter after the server parameter.For example:
For user creation, u can follow this link:
这篇关于IBM Worklight 6.1 - 项目无法初始化,因为项目数据库模式来自N / A版本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!