


I wrote this validation method but am having issues with it.

function validate_password(pwd)
    var score = 0;

    // Min length is 8
    if (pwd.length<8)
        return false;

    // Is lower present?
    if (/[a-z]/g.test(pwd))
        console.log('a-z test on "'+pwd+'":' + /[a-z]+/g.test(pwd));

    // Is upper present?
    if (/[A-Z]/g.test(pwd))
        console.log('A-Z test on: "'+pwd+'":' + /[A-Z]+/g.test(pwd));

    // Is digit present?
    if (/\d/g.test(pwd))
        console.log('digit test on: "'+pwd+'":' + /\d/g.test(pwd));

    // Is special char present?
    if (/\W/g.test(pwd))
        console.log('spec char test on: "'+pwd+'":' + /\W/g.test(pwd));

    if (score>=3)
        return true;
        return false;


This is what is written to the console:

>>> validate_password('aaasdfF#3s')
a-z test on "aaasdfF#3s":true
A-Z test on: "aaasdfF#3s":true
digit test on: "aaasdfF#3s":true
spec char test on: "aaasdfF#3s":true

>>> validate_password('aaasdfF#3s')
a-z test on "aaasdfF#3s":true


On the first try it seems to work as expected but when I call the method a 2nd time, it doesn't work as expected.


So, my question is why are there differences between the results from the first try and the 2nd try?

谢谢! :)



解决方案是从正则表达式中删除全局或 g 标记:

The solution is to remove the global or g flag from your regexes:

/ [az] / 而不是 / [az] / g ,依此类推。


Consider this simple example to see why the problem exists:

var l = /[a-z]/g;

// initial search starts at the beginning, matches "a" and returns true
l.test("a"); // true
// since the first character matched, lastIndex moves to the next index - 1
l.lastIndex; // 1

// this time we pass a different string to the regex, but unfortunatly it
// starts searching from the lastIndex which is 1. There are no lower case
// letters from this point onwards (only "---"), so return value is false.
l.test("x---"); // false
// Since this search failed, lastIndex wraps around to the beginning, so the
// next search will work as expected
l.lastIndex; // 0

对于您的给定输入aaasdfF#3s,小写 [az] 测试将成功7次,因为有7个小写字符,但第8次失败。并且从第9次到第15次再次成功,依此类推。其他测试将在每个替换时间失败,因为每种类型的角色中只有一个 - F3,当测试失败时,它将 lastIndex 换行为0。

For your given input "aaasdfF#3s", the lower case [a-z] test would have succeeded 7 times as there are 7 lower case characters, but fail the 8th time. And again succeed from the 9th to 15th time, and so on. The other tests will fail every alternate time as there is only one of each type of character - "F", "#", and "3" and it wraps around lastIndex to 0 when the test fails.


The problem seems to be stemming from the fact that state is preserved in those RegExp objects between function calls, meaning a RegExp object is only created once, and not every time the function is called. This little test confirms it:

function RegExpStatePersistenceTest() {
    var regex = /[a-z]/g;

    regex.counter = regex.counter || 0;

    console.log("counter:" + regex.counter);

RegExpStatePersistenceTest(); // counter: 1
RegExpStatePersistenceTest(); // counter: 2
RegExpStatePersistenceTest(); // counter: 3
RegExpStatePersistenceTest();​ // counter: 4

如果a使用 new RegExp(..)显式创建了新对象,然后在每次调用函数时,将创建一个全新的RegExp对象,并且不会保留状态电话。

If a new object was explicitly created using new RegExp(..), then on each invocation of the function, a fresh new RegExp object will be created, and state will not be preserved between calls.



08-22 20:44