我对计算向量之间的相似度感兴趣,但是该相似度必须为0到1之间的一个数字.关于tf-idf和余弦相似度的问题很多,所有这些都表明该值位于0到1之间.a href ="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity#Soft_cosine_measure" rel ="noreferrer">维基百科:
I am interested in calculating similarity between vectors, however this similarity has to be a number between 0 and 1. There are many questions concerning tf-idf and cosine similarity, all indicating that the value lies between 0 and 1. From Wikipedia:
特殊之处是我希望从两个不同的word2vec模型中计算两个向量之间的相似度.但是,这些模型已经对齐,因此它们实际上应该在相同的向量空间中表示它们的单词.我可以像这样计算 model_a
中的单词和 model_b
The peculiarity is that I wish to calculate the similarity between two vectors from two different word2vec models. These models have been aligned, though, so they should in fact represent their words in the same vector space. I can calculate the similarity between a word in model_a
and a word in model_b
like so
import gensim as gs
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
model_a = gs.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(model_a_path, binary=False)
model_b = gs.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(model_b_path, binary=False)
vector_a = model_a[word_a].reshape(1, -1)
vector_b = model_b[word_b].reshape(1, -1)
sim = cosine_similarity(vector_a, vector_b).item(0)
但是 sim
But sim
is then a similarity metric in the [-1,1] range. Is there a scientifically sound way to map this to the [0,1] range? Intuitively I would think that something like
norm_sim = (sim + 1) / 2
is okay, but I'm not sure whether that is good practice with respect to the actual meaning of cosine similarity. If not, are other similarity metrics advised?
The reason why I am trying to get the values to be between 0 and 1 is because the data will be transferred to a colleague who will use it as a feature for her machine learning system, which expects all values to be between 0 and 1. Her intuition was to take the absolute value, but that seems to me to be a worse alternative because then you map opposites to be identical. Considering the actual meaning of cosine similarity, though, I might be wrong. So if taking the absolute value is the good approach, we can do that as well.
You have a fair reason to prefer 0.0-1.0 (though many learning algorithms should do just fine with a -1.0 to 1.0 range). Your norm_sim rescaling of -1.0 to 1.0 to 0.0 to 1.0 is fine, if your only purpose is to get 0.0-1.0 ranges... but of course the resulting value isn't a true cosine-similarity anymore.
It won't necessarily matter that the values aren't real full-range angles any more. (If the algorithm needed real angles, it'd work with -1.0 to 1.0.)
Using the signless absolute value would be a bad idea, as it would change the rank order of similarities – moving some results that are "natively" most-dissimilar way up.
已经进行了一些工作,将字向量限制为仅在维度上具有非负值,而&通常的好处是,生成的尺寸更可能是可以单独解释的.(例如,请参见 https://cs.cmu.edu/~bmurphy/NNSE/.),但是gensim不支持此变体,&仅尝试它就能揭示它是否对任何特定项目都更好.
There's been work on constraining word-vectors to have only non-negative values in dimensions, & the usual benefit is that the resulting dimensions are more likely to be individually interpretable. (See for example https://cs.cmu.edu/~bmurphy/NNSE/.) However, gensim doesn't support this variant, & only trying it could reveal whether it would be better for any particular project.
此外,还有其他研究表明,通常的单词向量在原点周围可能未达到平衡"(因此,您会发现负余弦相似度比随机超球面中的点要少),并对其进行了偏移更加平衡通常会改善他们在其他任务上的表现.请参阅: https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.01417v2
Also, there's other research that suggests usual word-vectors may not be 'balanced' around the origin (so you'll see fewer negative cosine-similiarities than would be expected from points in a random hypersphere), and that shifting them to be more balanced will usually improve them for other tasks. See: https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.01417v2