


Let's say I started a thread and I have something like this:

 ...//initiate all the socket connection
 future = executor.submit
 (  new Runnable()
    {   public void run()
        {   ...
            while ((str = in.readLine()) != null)
            {  //do something here





executor is a ExecutorService object and in is a BufferedReader object


I know you can close the socket from a different thread to interrupt this thread. But when I try to use future.cancel(true) method, even though it returns true, the thread seems still running, anybody know why? or in.readLine() cannot be interrrupted this way?


所有 future.cancel(true)的确是在关联的线程上调用 thread.interrupt()。这将导致 sleep() wait()操作抛出 InterruptedException 并将中断一些特殊的。

All future.cancel(true) does is to call thread.interrupt() on the associated thread. This will cause sleep() and wait() operations to throw an InterruptedException and will interrupt some special NIO channels.

但很可能你的 BufferedReader 不会被打断,因为它很可能是从普通套接字或文件。正如您所提到的,从不同的线程关闭底层套接字是杀死这种IO方法的最佳方法。

But chances are your BufferedReader will not be interrupted since it is most likely reading from a "normal" socket or file. As you mention, closing the underlying socket from a different thread is the best way to kill such an IO method.


08-03 21:19