本文介绍了如何从Java Web Start(JDK 8)升级到jlink(JDK 9+)来自动更新应用程序?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Java 8和更早版本具有 Java Web Start ,该功能会自动-在更改应用程序时更新它. Oracle建议用户迁移到 jlink ,因为这是新的Oracle技术.到目前为止,这听起来不错.这带来许多好处:

Java 8 and prior versions have Java Web Start, which auto-updates the application when we change it. Oracle has recommended that users migrate to jlink, as that is the new Oracle technology. So far, this sounds good. This comes with a host of benefits:

  1. Windows,Mac和Linux上的本机代码
  2. 代码模块化(尽管Proguard也这样做)
  3. 使用受支持的新技术.


人们会认为Java Web Start可以继续使用,特别是如果一个人随便阅读此文档.请注意,Java Web Start继续被列在显着位置.但是,有一种美中不足的情况:Oracle正在弃用Java Web Start.它已定于以便在JDK 11中删除.前进的道路.如果失败,人们是否有标准的前进方式?

One would think that Java Web Start could continue to be used, especially if one casually reads this document. Notice the fact that Java Web Start continues to be prominently listed. But there's a fly in the ointment: Oracle is deprecating Java Web Start. It's slated for removal in JDK 11. So, what's the official path forward. Failing that, is there a standard way that people proceed?


  • 每年使用功能强大的企业解决方案向某人支付大量资金.要分发的应用程序已经打包到一个小于50MB的jar中.
  • 强制用户运行InstallShield样式的应用程序以重新安装新版本,然后在每次推送更新时手动卸载旧版本.那真是1990年代.
  • 将整个应用程序移植为Web应用程序,重写UI和客户端逻辑以适合浏览器,并处理所有不兼容问题.该应用程序的作者在 GWT 上进行了工作,并且确切地知道了Web浏览器的功能.不幸的是,他们也知道所需的努力水平.
  • 允许用户继续运行该应用程序的旧版本.那也是1980年代.现代应用程序更新很快,并且无法支持已发布的每个版本的应用程序.那是我父亲的COBOL应用程序必须处理的,他对此并不满意.我希望技术进步.
  • 继续使用Java Web Start.除非/除非Oracle改变主意,否则Java Web Start是注定要失败的技术.
  • Paying huge amounts of money yearly to someone with an feature-packed enterprise solution. The application to be distributed is already packaged into a single jar that is smaller than 50MB.
  • Forcing users to run an InstallShield style app to reinstall the new version, and then manually uninstall the old version every time an update is pushed. That's sooo 1990's.
  • Porting the entire app to be a webapp, rewriting the UI and client side logic to fit in a browser and dealing with all the incompatibilities that entails. The authors of the application worked on GWT and know exactly what web browsers are capable of. Unfortunately, they also know the level of effort required.
  • Allowing users to continue to run old versions of the application. That, too, is sooo 1980's. Modern apps update quickly, and supporting every version of the application ever released is not tenable. That's what my father's COBOL application had to deal with, and he didn't enjoy it. I'm hoping technology has progressed.
  • Continuing to use Java Web Start. Until/unless Oracle changes its mind, Java Web Start is a doomed technology.


在2019年5月发表评论以观看 OpenWebStart 项目.

In May 2019 commented to watch the OpenWebStart project.

现在(2019年10月)是时候对OpenWebStart进行认真考虑了.尚未功能完成,即 beta 现在,根据具有类路径异常的GPL"许可,可下载.

Now (October 2019) it is time to give OpenWebStart serious consideration. While not yet feature complete, a beta release of OpenWebStart is now available for download under a "GPL with Classpath exception" license.

OpenWebStart 技术详细信息" 页面状态:

The OpenWebStart Technical Details page states:

页面继续显示,OpenWebStart将支持具有自动更新功能的交互式安装程序和非交互式安装程序.将支持某些JNLP功能,并将包括Java控制面板的替代品. 功能表中提供了计划功能的更全面列表及其实现状态. .

The page goes on to state that OpenWebStart will support interactive installers with auto-update, and non-interactive installers. Some JNLP features will be supported, and it will include a replacement for the Java Control Panel. A more comprehensive list of planned features and their implementation status is provided in the feature table.

这篇关于如何从Java Web Start(JDK 8)升级到jlink(JDK 9+)来自动更新应用程序?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 19:14