在这里,我想了解一下,在扩展细节中 - 你可以看到不同的颜色,如浅绿色,浅粉色,浅棕色,浅紫色。 / p>
高达内存泄漏的限制 - 实际的iPhone可以继续使用。
- 每种颜色表示什么?
- 哪种颜色表示我们的代码/我们可以从哪个细节获取我们分配对象的代码&忘记dealloc了吗?
(例如 - 详细点击UIKit第二个单元格 - 我们无法获取代码)
- 为什么我们必须解决所有泄漏? - 即使是一次泄密也可以阻塞iPhone?
- 为什么iPhone允许泄漏留在内存中? /为什么在应用程序终止后没有自动完成垃圾收集?
- 如果我尝试释放应根据仪器解除分配的对象,我的应用程序会异常终止。如果我没有dealloc,我的应用程序运行完美,怎么样?
- 为什么建议你在视图中等待10秒或更长时间,如果有泄漏,泄漏将可以通过仪器检测吗?
忽略颜色,在那个[DashBoard viewDidLoad]是泄漏的来源,它是如何初始化URLConnection的(在连接完成时你可能没有释放它?)
- 为什么我们必须解决所有泄漏? -
- 为什么iPhone允许泄漏在内存中保留
? /为什么垃圾收集
- 如果我尝试释放根据
- 为什么建议您等待
Above given images is of my application leaks.
Here I want to understand that, in Extended Detail - you can see different colors like light green, light pink, light brown, light purple.
What does each color indicates?
Now the other confusion is "How to locate the code which is creating a memory leak?"
Upto what limit of memory leak - the actual iPhone can go on with.(suppose 10 bytes no problem, 20 bytes no problem & 200 bytes a problem)
- What does each color indicates?
- Which color indicates our code / From which detail we can get to the code where we have allocated the object & forgot to dealloc it?
(For example - On clicking of UIKit second cell in detail - we cant get to the code)
- Why we must resolve all the leaks? - even a single leak can chock up iPhone ?
- Why iPhone allows leaks to be remain in memory? / why garbage collection isn't done automatically after termination of application?
- If I try to dealloc objects which should be deallocated according to instruments, My application terminates abnormally. If I don't dealloc, My application runs perfectly, How?
- Why it is suggested that you wait in a view up to 10 or more seconds, if there is a leak, leak will be detected by Instruments?
Ignore the colors, in that one the [DashBoard viewDidLoad] is the source of the leak, something in how it's initializing a URLConnection (possibly you did not free that when the connection was finished?)
Now to answer the other questions you had:
- Why we must resolve all the leaks? -even a single leak can chock upiPhone ?
Yes. Part of the reason is not only that you will simply run out of memory, but since there is only so much memory to go around for the whole phone a watchdog application is constantly monitoring your app and will shut it down early if it sees memory use only ever growing...
- Why iPhone allows leaks to be remainin memory? / why garbage collectionisn't done automatically aftertermination of application?
All your application memory is freed when the app quits.
- If I try to dealloc objects whichshould be deallocated according toinstruments, My applicationterminates abnormally. If I don'tdealloc, My application runsperfectly, How?
Here I can't help, you really need to read more on the retain/release memory cycle... if you release an object that has a retain count of 0, the app crashes because the object is gone.
- Why it is suggested that you wait ina view up to 10 or more seconds, ifthere is a leak, leak will bedetected by Instruments?
Because instruments works by sampling memory every so often, so it might take a little bit for instruments to get around to reading the memory after an action.
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