http://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Properties 说属性值可以在 POM 内的任何地方访问".
http://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Properties says property "values are accessible anywhere within a POM".
这应该读作在 POM 中的大多数位置都可以访问"吗?
Should this read "are accessible in most places within a POM"?
I can specify the version of a dependency no problem like so:
But what about the version of the project itself like so:
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" ...>
如果我尝试这个 <version> 不会取值 8.这里我已经在 pom 中定义了 ${myversion} 但如果我在命令行上指定 -Dmyversion=8 似乎也是如此.
If I try this <version> will not take the value 8. Here I've defined ${myversion} in the pom but the same seems to be the case if I specify -Dmyversion=8 on the command line.
If one of the modules specifies its parent with a hardcoded version number like so:
当我尝试构建时,当 maven 查看模块的 pom 时,它会说它找不到版本 8 的给定父 pom.
When I try to build then when maven comes to look at the module's pom it will say it cannot find the given parent pom with version 8.
但是,如果我也将父版本中的版本硬编码为 8,而不是使用 ${myversion},则一切正常.
However if I hardcode version in the parent to 8 as well, rather than using ${myversion}, then everything works fine.
因此,在我看来,父 pom 的/project/version 标记不会发生属性替换.
So it seems to me that property substitution does not happen for the /project/version tag of the parent pom.
Is this the case or is there some other explanation for what I seem to be seeing?
或 /project/中不允许进行属性替换(groupId|artifactId|version)
由 Maven 2.x 设计.
Property substitution is not allowed in /project/parent/(groupId|artifactId|version)
or in /project/(groupId|artifactId|version)
by design in Maven 2.x.
- 在顶部
元素中对版本进行硬编码. - 在子元素的
元素中对版本进行硬编码. - 孩子继承版本,除非他们想覆盖它
- 因此不需要
- hard code the version in the top
element. - hard code the version in the
element of children. - children inherit the version unless they want to override it
- there is thus not need for a
您会在 maven 用户列表上找到关于此主题的无数线程(参见例如 Pom 父版本属性),我只想说,任何解决上述规则的尝试都是错误的,并且不起作用.
You'll find an infinite number of threads on this topic on the maven user list (see for example Pom Parent Version Properties) and I'll just say that any attempt to workaround the above rules is wrong and doesn't work.
在 Maven 3.1 中将允许版本更少的
.Version less
will be allowed in Maven 3.1.这篇关于Maven:未对 pom 的/project/version 标签进行属性替换?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
- there is thus not need for a
- 因此不需要