


I tend to use a lot of line breaks in my code like the following:

# Data =========================================================================

整个地方注释的长度始终为80个字符(包括井号)。我想做的是为Rstudio编写一个代码片段,该代码片段将插入#标签,然后插入一个空格,然后允许用户键入一系列单词,然后插入另一个空格,最后填写一堆 =直到达到80个字符的限制。

Where the entire comment is always 80 characters long (including the hashtag). What I would like to do is write a code snippet for Rstudio that will insert the hashtag, then a space, then allow the user to type out a series of words, then insert another space, and finally fill in a bunch of "=" until the 80 character limit is reached.


I'm not familiar with how snippets work at all so I'm not sure how difficult this is.


snippet lb
  # ${1:name}

但我不知道如何添加动态数字 =。另外,lb =换行符。

but I have no idea how to add a dynamic number of "=" signs. Also, lb = linebreak.



You can't do this with snippets, unfortunately; a snippet is a text template that contains fixed text with slots for user-inserted text.

RStudio内置了一个命令,可以执行非常相似的操作。从代码菜单中,选择插入节(或 + + )。这将完全按照您的描述进行操作,但有两个小区别:

There is a command built into RStudio to do something very similar, however; from the Code menu, choose Insert Section (or ++). This will do exactly what you're describing, with two small differences:

  1. 在打印前该行将扩展到5个字符边距(您可以在工具->全局选项->代码中调整打印边距。

  1. The line will extend to 5 characters before the print margin (you can adjust the print margin in Tools -> Global Options -> Code.

该行由-而不是 = 个字符。


One advantage to sections marked in this way is that you can use them to fold and navigate inside the file (look at the editor status bar after adding one).


07-29 17:20