When I build on Android my json files seems to not load because I dont see data. in unity editor play it works fine. I'm struggling with something thats working on PC but not on Android. Just a path difference I guess but its not easy for a beginner.
这是我的代码TRY 1:
here is my code TRY 1:
public static JsonData LoadFile(string path)
var fileContents = File.ReadAllText(path);
var data = JsonMapper.ToObject(fileContents);
return data;
public void QuestionLoader()
// Load the Json file and store its contents in a 'JsonData' variable
var data = LoadFile(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/json/level1.json");
这是我的尝试2-基于Unity手册- https://docs.unity3d .com/Manual/StreamingAssets.html :
And Here is my try 2 - Based on Unity Manual - https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/StreamingAssets.html:
public static JsonData LoadFile(string path)
var www = new WWW(path);
return www.text;
//var fileContents = File.ReadAllText(path);
// var data = JsonMapper.ToObject(fileContents);
// return data;
public void QuestionLoader()
string path = "";
// Load the Json file and store its contents
path = "jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets/Levels/level1.json";
path = Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/Levels/level1.json";
var data = LoadFile(path);
If you want to load json that already exist in the project from any platform, you have two options:
1 .将Json文件放在Resources文件夹中,然后使用Resources.Load
读取为 TextAsset
1.Put the Json file in the Resources folder then use Resources.Load
to read it as a TextAsset
. See the end of this answer for example.
2 .将json文件设置为AssetBundle,然后使用WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload
2.Make the json file an AssetBundle then use WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload
to load it.
Any of these should work. Once you read the json file, you can copy it to the Application.persistentDataPath
directly so that you will be able to modify it and save it if needed.