Is this possible? Or maybe there is a better way of doing this -- pass the two member functions separately as function pointer? (If the objective function and the corresponding gradient are simple, it is absolutely okay to write two functions. However, most of the time, the problem I got is far more complicated and I have to implement the problem as a class).推荐答案让我先说: 我不认可以下库的用法#include<tuple>#include<type_traits>#include<utility>// func_traitstemplate <typename T>struct func_traits : public func_traits<decltype(&std::remove_reference_t<T>::operator())> {};template <typename Callable, typename Ret, typename... Args>struct func_traits<Ret(Callable::*)(Args...) const> { using ptr_type = Ret (*) (Args...); using return_type = Ret; template<std::size_t i> struct arg { using type = typename std::tuple_element<i, std::tuple<Args...>>::type; }; template<typename Ret2> using cast_return_type = Ret2 (*) (Args...);};template<typename Ret, typename... Args>struct func_traits<Ret (&) (Args...)> : public func_traits<Ret (*) (Args...)> {};template <typename Ret, typename... Args>struct func_traits<Ret (*) (Args...)>{ using ptr_type = Ret (*) (Args...); using return_type = Ret; template<std::size_t i> struct arg { using type = typename std::tuple_element<i, std::tuple<Args...>>::type; }; template<typename Ret2> using cast_return_type = Ret2 (*) (Args...);};// constexpr countertemplate <int N>struct flag{ friend constexpr int adl_flag(flag<N>); constexpr operator int() { return N; }};template <int N>struct write{ friend constexpr int adl_flag(flag<N>) { return N; } static constexpr int value = N;};template <int N, int = adl_flag(flag<N>{})>constexpr int read(int, flag<N>, int R = read(0, flag<N + 1>{})){ return R;}template <int N>constexpr int read(float, flag<N>){ return N;}template <int N = 0>constexpr int counter(int R = write<read(0, flag<N>{})>::value){ return R;}// fnptrtemplate<int nonce = counter()>class fnptr{ //these are to make sure fnptr is never constructed //technically the first one should be enough, but compilers are not entirely standard conformant explicit fnptr() = delete; fnptr(const fnptr&) {} ~fnptr() = delete; template<typename Callable, typename Ret, typename... Args> static auto cast(Callable&& c, Ret(*fp)(Args...)) -> decltype(fp) { using callable_type = std::remove_reference_t<Callable>; static callable_type clb{std::forward<Callable>(c)}; static bool full = false; if(full) { clb.~callable_type(); new (&clb) decltype(clb){std::forward<Callable>(c)}; } else full = true; return [](Args... args) noexcept(noexcept(clb(std::forward<Args>(args)...))) -> Ret { return Ret(clb(std::forward<Args>(args)...)); }; }public: template<typename Signature, typename Callable> static Signature* cast(Callable&& c) { return cast(std::forward<Callable>(c), static_cast<Signature*>(nullptr)); } template<typename Signature, typename Ret, typename... Args> static auto cast(Ret (*fp)(Args...)) { static decltype(fp) fnptr; fnptr = fp; using return_type = typename func_traits<Signature*>::return_type; return [](Args... args) noexcept(noexcept(fp(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) -> return_type { return return_type(fnptr(std::forward<Args>(args)...)); }; } template<typename Callable> static auto get(Callable&& c) { return cast(std::forward<Callable>(c), typename func_traits<Callable>::ptr_type{nullptr}); } template<typename Ret, typename... Args> static auto get(Ret (*fp)(Args...)) { return fp; }};并将其用作#include<functional>#include<iostream>using optimfn = double (int, double*, void*);using optimgr = void (int, double*, double*, void*);void test(optimfn* fn, optimgr* gr){ double d; fn(42, &d, &d); gr(42, &d, &d, &d);}int main(){ std::function<optimfn> fn = [](int, double*, void*){ std::cout << "I'm fn" << std::endl; return 0.; }; std::function<optimgr> gr = [](int, double*, double*, void*){ std::cout << "I'm gr" << std::endl; }; test(fnptr<>::get(fn), fnptr<>::get(gr));} 实时示例仅仅是辅助特征类型,它将以易于访问的形式获取任何可调用对象的类型Is just a helper traits type that will fetch the type of any callable in an easily accessible form这是正在发生的事情的一半邪恶.有关详细信息,请访问有状态的元编程疾病是否已经形成?This is half the evilness of what's going on. For details visit is stateful metaprogramming ill formed yet?代码的实际内容.它接受具有适当签名的所有可调用对象,并在每次调用时隐式声明一个匿名C函数,并将该可调用对象强制转换为C函数.The actual meat of the code. It takes any callable with appropriate signatures and implicitly declares an anonymous C function at every point it is called and coerces the callable into the C function.它具有时髦的语法fnptr<>::get和fnptr<>::cast<Ret(Args...)>.这是故意.It has the funky syntax fnptr<>::get and fnptr<>::cast<Ret(Args...)>. This is intentional. get将声明具有与可调用对象相同签名的匿名C函数.get will declare the anonymous C function with the same signature as the callable object. cast适用于任何兼容的可调用类型,即,如果返回类型和参数是隐式可转换的,则可以对其进行强制转换.cast works on any compatible callable type, that is, if the return type and arguments are implicitly convertible, it can be casted. fnptr在调用它的代码中的每个地方隐式声明一个匿名C函数.它实际上不是与std::function相同的变量.fnptr implicitly declares an anonymous C function at each point in the code it is called. It is not the same as std::function that is actually a variable.如果您再次在代码中调用相同的fnptr,则所有地狱之旅都会失败.If you call the same fnptr in the code again, all hell breaks lose.std::vector<int(*)()> v;for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) v.push_back(fnptr<>::get([i]{return i;})); // This will implode您已被警告. 这篇关于如何传递std :: function作为函数指针?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-19 20:21