

我正在运行耗时超过10秒的读写事务,并且它们正在超时(出现 ABORTED 错误).有没有办法指定更长的超时时间?

I'm running read-write transactions that are taking longer than 10 seconds, and they are timing out (failing with ABORTED errors). Is there a way to specify a longer timeout?



There is no way to specify the timeout for a transaction, but you have a few options:

  1. 您可以每5-8秒定期发出一次 executeSql 请求使交易保持活力.您可以像这样进行一些琐碎的查询 SELECT 1 .有关闲置交易的更多信息,请此处.
  2. 您可以使用只读交易来代替读写事务.只读事务没有超时,并且仅在删除基础会话时才会中止.(可以手动删除会话,也可以在大约一个小时的空闲时间后自动删除会话.)
  1. You could periodically issue an executeSql request every 5-8 secondsto keep your transaction alive. You can do a trivial query likeSELECT 1. More info on idle transactions is here.
  2. You could use a read-only transaction instead of a read-write transaction. Read-only transactions do not have a timeout, and they are only aborted if the underlying session is deleted. (Sessions can be deleted manually, or automatically after approximately an hour of idle time.)


You should consider whether you really need such a long read-write transaction. Read-write transactions use locks and other resources that can block other transactions from making progress. This is usually an anti-pattern to have such long-lived read-write transactions.


07-17 11:43