


I have recently installed the latest Fiddler (Fiddler4) and absolutely nothing that I try is working to get it to capture local traffic. I have an MVC application that is connecting to an MVC WebApi app both running on IIS, here's what I've tried:

  • 提琴手选项>连接>监控所有连接和放大器;使用PAC脚本

  • 改变WebClient的C#调用没有成功使用以下网址:

    • HTTP: //机器/应用程序名

    • http://localhostproxy.com/app-name

    • 所有的IPv4 / IPv6的等本网页的URL

    • 同样使用尝试。修复 - 的http://本地主机

    • Fiddler Options > Connections > Monitor All Connections & Use PAC Script
    • Changed the WebClient C# call to use the following URLs with no success:
      • http://machinename/app-name
      • http://localhostproxy.com/app-name
      • all of the ipv4 / ipv6 etc urls on this page http://fiddler2.com/documentation/Configure-Fiddler/Tasks/MonitorLocalTraffic
      • also tried using the . fix - http://localhost.


      Nothing has worked, I have no idea what to try. Any advice is greatly appreciated.Thanks,Shawn


      原来,我需要建立提琴手作为反向代理()。我真的不明白,为什么以前我从Fiddler2升级到Fiddler4我没有做到这一点。我以前可以只使用 HTTP://ipv4.localhost/app-name 和所有工作得很好。为了得到它Fiddler4工作,虽然,我设置了反向代理,然后从改变 HTTP我的所有请求://ipv4.localhost/app-name 的http://机器:8888 /应用程序名。现在我可以听的到的应用程序间的通信。任何想法,为什么我没有与Fiddler2要做到这一点,但是现在我升级到Fiddler4后怎么办?

      It turned out that I needed to set up Fiddler as a reverse proxy (http://fiddler2.com/documentation/Configure-Fiddler/Tasks/UseFiddlerAsReverseProxy). I don't really understand why before I upgraded from Fiddler2 to Fiddler4 I didn't have to do this. I used to be able to just use http://ipv4.localhost/app-name and all worked fine. In order to get it working with Fiddler4, though, I set-up the reverse proxy, and then changed all my requests from http://ipv4.localhost/app-name to http://machinename:8888/app-name. I can now listen in to inter-app communications. Any idea why I didn't have to do this with Fiddler2, but I now do after upgrading to Fiddler4?


08-04 15:53