I am trying to add a permanent label on nodes for a networkx graph using spring_layout and bokeh library. I would like for this labels to be re-positioned as the graph scales or refreshed like what string layout does, re-positioning the nodes as the graph scales or refreshed.
时,它将为图G中的节点生成一组位置,我可以获取这些位置的坐标放入LabelSet中.但是,我必须调用graph = from_networkx(G, spring_layout, scale=2, center=(0,0))
I tried to create the graph, and layout, then got pos from the string_layout. However, as I call pos=nx.spring_layout(G)
, it will generated a set of positions for the nodes in graph G, which I can get coordinates of to put into the LabelSet. However, I have to call graph = from_networkx(G, spring_layout, scale=2, center=(0,0))
to draw the network graph. This will create a new set of position for the node. Therefore, the positions of the nodes and the labels will not be the same.
感谢您提出这个问题.通过它的工作,我已经意识到它目前的工作量超出了应有的程度.我强烈建议您打开 GitHub问题,以便我们讨论可以进行哪些改进最好使用户更轻松地进行此类操作.
Thanks for asking this question. Working through it, I've realized that it is currently more work than it should be. I'd very strongly encourage you to open a GitHub issue so that we can discuss what improvements can best make this kind of thing easier for users.
import networkx as nx
from bokeh.io import output_file, show
from bokeh.models import CustomJSTransform, LabelSet
from bokeh.models.graphs import from_networkx
from bokeh.plotting import figure
p = figure(x_range=(-3,3), y_range=(-3,3))
p.grid.grid_line_color = None
r = from_networkx(G, nx.spring_layout, scale=3, center=(0,0))
So far this is all fairly normal Bokeh graph layout code. Here is the additional part you need to add permanent labels for each node:
from bokeh.transform import transform
# add the labels to the node renderer data source
source = r.node_renderer.data_source
source.data['names'] = [str(x*10) for x in source.data['index']]
# create a transform that can extract the actual x,y positions
code = """
var result = new Float64Array(xs.length)
for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
result[i] = provider.graph_layout[xs[i]][%s]
return result
xcoord = CustomJSTransform(v_func=code % "0", args=dict(provider=r.layout_provider))
ycoord = CustomJSTransform(v_func=code % "1", args=dict(provider=r.layout_provider))
# Use the transforms to supply coords to a LabelSet
labels = LabelSet(x=transform('index', xcoord),
y=transform('index', ycoord),
text='names', text_font_size="12px",
x_offset=5, y_offset=5,
source=source, render_mode='canvas')
Basically, since Bokeh (potentially) computes layouts in the browser, the actual node locations are only available via the "layout provider" which is currently a bit tedious to access. As I said, please open a GitHub issue to suggest making this better for users. There are probably some very quick and easy things we can do to make this much simpler for users.