Is there any forum software based on codeigniter ? free or commercial ?
I haven't tried either of these myself but i've heard very good things and you should take the time to investigate them both:
Dove论坛是一个相对较新的论坛,但仍在不断发展,并且目前似乎已得到Code Igniter社区的大力支持。
Dove ForumsDove Forum is fairly new, but growing and seems to have fairly strong support from the Code Igniter community at the moment.
Pyro CMS是由Code Igniter社区的一些杰出贡献者开发的,并获得了很多赞誉。
Pyro CMSPyro CMS is made by some of the top contributors to the Code Igniter community and gets alot of plaudits.
It's a fully fledged CMS rather than a forum script, but it has a forum add on which you can download to add that functionality.
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