简介:git status提供
Synopsis: git status gives
已修改:<文件夹名称> (已修改的内容,未跟踪的内容)
modified: < folder name > (modified content, untracked content)
- 'git add'不会改变情况
- 您正在寻找一种提交未跟踪内容的方法
- 'git add' does not change the situation
- You are looking for a way to commit the untracked content
What is the right way to fix that?
There is a related question here: How to track untracked content?, A simple answer to the common problem is hiding at the second, non accepted answer. Hope this thread would add clarity.
A common reason for the problem:
An unrelated git repository (".git" folder) in a subfolder, prevents the main git repository from tracking the subfolder.
There are two possible solutions:
1)简单修复:仅使用主存储库-删除问题" 子文件夹中的".git"文件夹.主存储库的.git文件夹(如果可能)在本地复制要删除的内容作为备份-以防万一
1) Simple fix: using only the main repository - delete the ".git" folder in the 'problematic' subfolder
Take care not to delete the .git folder of the main repository, if possible copy what you intend to delete locally as a backup - just in case
[This idea had been suggested by @neoneye here How to track untracked content? ]
2)使用子模块:使用git子模块可能是您想要的解决方案.要了解有关此选项的信息,您可以找到相关文章 https://medium.com /@ porteneuve/mastering-git-submodules-34c65e940407 非常有用.
2) Using sub-module:Using git sub-module might be the solution you want. To get informed about this option you might find the related article https://medium.com/@porteneuve/mastering-git-submodules-34c65e940407 very useful.