本文介绍了iOS 15 不受信任的开发者问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我最近更新到了新的 iOS 15,在我在 Xcode 中构建并运行我的应用程序后,虽然使用与安装 iOS 15 之前相同的开发者帐户登录,但我收到此消息:

无法完成操作.无法启动 com.xyz.xyz.xyz因为它的代码签名无效、权限不足或其个人资料尚未得到用户的明确信任.


无法启动my-project0name"域:IDEDebugSessionErrorDomain代码:3 失败原因:操作无法完成.无法启动 com.xyz.xyz.xyz 因为它有一个无效的代码签名,权限不足或其配置文件未得到明确信任由用户.用户信息: {DVTRadarComponentKey = 855031;IDERunOperationFailingWorker = DBGLLDBLauncher;RawUnderlyingErrorMessage = "操作无法完成.无法启动 com.xyz.xyz.xyz,因为它有一个无效的代码签名、权限不足或其配置文件尚未用户明确信任.";}


macOS 版本 11.6 (Build 20G165) Xcode 13.0 (19234) (Build 13A233)时间戳:2021-09-21T12:36:18+02:00

之前(在 iOS14 上),这可以通过以下方式解决:

Settings.app ->一般 ->个人资料 ->选择个人资料 ->相信

但现在(在 iOS15 上)我实际上无法在该位置找到它.我该如何解决这个问题?


据我了解,这可能是与 iOS 15/xcode 13 相关的错误.

我找到了一个解决方案,即创建一个新的 Apple ID 并使用它在 xcode 中对您的应用进行签名.

您可以通过进入Signing &"来添加新团队.功能"-选项卡并选择添加帐户"选择团队的地方.

完成此操作并再次在您的设备上运行该应用程序后,在设置"中选择信任该应用程序 >一般>设备管理应该会出现!

I have updated recently to a new iOS 15 and after I built and run my application in Xcode, while have been logged in with a same developer account as before iOS 15 installation, I get this message:

and the error log:

System Information

Earlier (on iOS14), this could be solved by going to:

Settings.app -> General -> Profile -> Select Profile -> Trust

But now (on iOS15) I can't actually find it at that location. How would I fix this?


From what i understand, this might be a bug connected to iOS 15 / xcode 13.

I found a solution which is to create a new Apple ID and use it to sign your app in xcode.

You can add a new team by going into "Signing & Capabilities"-tab and select "Add account" where you select a team.

Once you've done this and run the application on your device again, the option to trust the application in Settings > General > Device Management should appear!

这篇关于iOS 15 不受信任的开发者问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 04:17