} } } 类WindowCloser扩展WindowAdapter { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt){ System.exit(0); } } //can somebody help me with this please. i need to create a //calendar on the frame. i got the frame but the calendar is not //woking. import jpb.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.util.*; public class DayOfWeekAWT{public static void main(String[] args){Frame f = new DayOfWeekFrame("Day Of Week");f.setSize(450, 100);f.setVisible(true);}} class DayOfWeekFrame extends Frame{int last_Day = 31;//private Choice calendar = new Choice();GregorianCalendar date = new GregorianCalendar(); // datermine the current date.private Label month_Label = new Label("Month: ", Label.CENTER);private Label day_Label = new Label("Day: ", Label.CENTER);//private Label year_Label = new Label("Year: ", Label.CENTER);private Label bottom_Label = new Label(" ",Label.CENTER);private Choice monthNames = new Choice();private Choice numberOfDays = new Choice();private Label year = new Label("Year:", Label.CENTER);private TextField which_year = new TextField("", Label.CENTER);private TextArea ta = new TextArea();//which_year.setEdittable();String LabelContents = year.getText(); Panel calendar = new Panel();/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Constructorpublic DayOfWeekFrame(String title){super(title);setBackground(new Color(255, 255, 255));//setLayout(new GridLayout());setLayout(new FlowLayout());//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////add(which_year);add(calendar);add(monthNames);monthNames.add("January");monthNames.add("February");monthNames.add("March");monthNames.add("April");monthNames.add("May");monthNames.add("June");monthNames.add("July");monthNames.add("August");monthNames.add("September");monthNames.add("October");monthNames.add("November");monthNames.add("December");add(month_Label);add(monthNames);monthNames.addItemListener(new monthNamesListener());add(day_Label);add(numberOfDays);numberOfDays.addItemListener(new numberOfDaysListener());add(year);add(which_year);//add(ta);//add(LabelContents);addWindowListener(new WindowCloser()); // window listener. for (int first_Day = 1; first_Day <= last_Day; first_Day++){numberOfDays.add(first_Day + "");} //addWindowListener(new WindowCloser()); int month =0;int Days;switch(month){case 2: //February// Days = 28;// if (year % 4 == 0)// {// Days = 29;// if ((year % 100 == 0) && (year % 400 !=0))// Days = 28;// }// break; case 4: //Aprilcase 6: //Junecase 9: //Septembercase 11://NovemberDays = 30;break; default: Days =31;break;}} } //class monthNamesListener implements ItemListener//{ //public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt)//{ //if (evt.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)//{ // for (int first_Day = 1; first_Day <= last_Day; first_Day++)//{// numberOfDays.add(first_Day + ""); //}//} //} class numberOfDaysListener implements ItemListener { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt) { if (evt.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { }}} class WindowCloser extends WindowAdapter {public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) {System.exit(0);}} 我们无法编译它,所以我们看不到你在说什么。 什么是jbp包?你为什么注释掉monthNamesListener类,但是你在程序中使用了它?We are not able to compile it so we can''t see what you are talking about. What is the package jbp for? Why did you comment out monthNamesListener class and yet you used it in the program? 我们无法编译它所以我们可以'看不出你在说什么。 什么是jbp包?你为什么注释掉monthNamesListener类,但是你在程序中使用了它? We are not able to compile it so we can''t see what you are talking about. What is the package jbp for? Why did you comment out monthNamesListener class and yet you used it in the program? 我的程序编译我检查它之前我把它放在这里。你可以忽略jbp包。 my program does compile i checked it before i put it up here. and u can ignore the jbp package. 我的程序编译我检查它之前我把它放在这里。你可以忽略jbp包。 my program does compile i checked it before i put it up here. and u can ignore the jbp package. 即使我删除该包的导入也不会编译。 找不到类monthNamesListener。如果你在一个单独的文件中编写代码,你也需要发布它。It does not compile even if I remove the import for that package. The class monthNamesListener is not being found. If you wrote its code in a separate file you will need to post that also. 这篇关于日历程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 10-31 08:32