As a little side project, I am starting to build a new website for a certain organization I am affiliated to, which current site is simply outdated.
经常一个Java开发人员,上次我真的做了一些Web开发回到了90年代后期,< p>
仍然比 < div>
I am regularly a Java developer, and last time I really did some web development was back in the late 90s, when <p>
was still more popular than <div>
and Javascript was cutting-edge technology (JQuery is for lazy bums these days :) ).
- Django基于
- 将会有一个动态新闻和更新页面(基于Django管理功能)
- 发展自己(投票,小型注册应用程式等)
- Django based
- mostly serve static information pages
- it will have a dynamic news and updates page (based on Django admin capabilites)
- and some basic apps I'll develop myself (polls, small registration app, etc...)
我的问题是设计事情。我发现一些很好的基于web的CSS布局生成器让我去,但我仍然觉得我浪费我的时间平滑的CSS文件,并对齐< div>
My problem is designing the whole thing. I found some nice web-based CSS layout generators that got me going, but I still feel I'm wasting my time smoothing out the CSS files and aligning <div>
有任何工具 - 更简单,更快,更好 - 你推荐我可以使用加速网站的设计部分,所以我可以集中精力 工作?
Are there any tools - the simpler and faster, the better - that you recommend I can use to speed up the design part of the site so I can concentrate on the real work?
I don't need anything fancy, just a nice looking layout and design that I can tweak a bit so the site will look presentable.
I second Brandon's suggestion to use a CSS framework. It won't give you 100% freedom to design anything you like, but it can speed up your design process greatly and free up your hands to do the coding you really want.
建议 2013年7月更新:
- Twitter Bootstrap - 完整网格,拼写错误,UI widget原型框架
- ZURB Foundation - 响应式网格,类型,UI部件原型框架(类似于Twitter Bootstrap的范围,但在某些方面感觉更清洁)
- 960 - 网格布局系统
- Tripoli - 非常好的排版,但没有网格系统
- YUI网格 - 非常可自定义(到过度点)网格系统
- 蓝图 - 网格系统和基本排版
- BlueTrip - 一个混合系统,将最好的蓝图网格与最好的黎波里排版混合。
- Twitter Bootstrap http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/ - complete grid, typo, UI widget prototyping framework
- ZURB Foundation http://foundation.zurb.com/ - responsive grid, type, UI widget prototyping framework (similar in scope to Twitter Bootstrap, but feels 'cleaner' in some ways)
- 960 http://960.gs/ - grid layout system
- Tripoli http://devkick.com/lab/tripoli/ - really good typography, but no grid system
- YUI Grids http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/grids/ - very customizable (to the point of overkill) grid system
- Blueprint http://www.blueprintcss.org/ - grid system and basic typography
- BlueTrip http://www.bluetrip.org - a hybrid system, mixing the best of the Blueprint grid with the best of the Tripoli typography